How to tell if a Virgo man is cheating on you

Love and family of a Virgo man

The Virgo man always carefully and thoughtfully chooses his mistresses, and having made a choice, he rarely makes mistakes. Because of such legibility and exactingness, he has many serious and long-term novels. In addition, he does not accept stormy and vivid emotions at all; love for him is, first of all, affection for his family and trust.

Therefore, the conquest of a Virgo man should take place without dramatic scenes or emotional games. Most often, it is he who will make his choice, calculating and evaluating all the pros and cons of the prospective partner, because he usually chooses not a girl for temporary pleasures, but a companion for a serious relationship. If the ideal woman does not appear on their way for a long time, then they can calmly live alone without experiencing any difficulties. Loneliness in their lives is very often permanent; this is caused by the fact that the Virgo man overly idealizes the fair sex.


Even the most serious Sagittarius is always a little fidgety. His thirst for adventure is completely insatiable, and adventures of a romantic nature are no exception. In most cases, he does not even think about betrayal, and therefore does not feel either guilty or unfaithful - it just so happened that the next peak that came into his field of vision turned out to be not Chomolungma, but She; There's nothing you can do, you have to conquer. Long before victory is won, Sagittarius will probably tell someone about what he is going to do - well, just to be dissuaded. Having heard that there is nothing difficult in the task at hand, he will quickly lose interest in it. The forbidden fruit attracts Sagittarius only because it hangs high; The taste of mystery is not to the taste of representatives of this sign. Having decided to storm and realizing that She really cannot compare with Chomolungma, the Unfaithful Sagittarius will be somewhat ashamed and will probably regret that he got involved in a business unworthy of him. It is this disappointment, which replaces the inspiration of the discoverer, that sometimes allows him to be exposed.

Virgo is very punctual and will not tolerate a man being late for a date with her. But if this happens, Virgo will not make a scene for you. But you will have to admit your guilt. Otherwise, you will never win it. And one more thing: give her flowers. Then your apology will be accepted.

Virgo's insight is amazing: she senses the slightest lie. Virgo does not like to admit his guilt, even if he is wrong. Virgo is practical. You can safely trust her to manage the family budget.

If you have fallen in love with a Virgo man, develop your intellect. He cannot stand irresponsibility, lack of composure, ignorance, stupidity, dirt and vulgarity. He needs a woman who is pure in body and soul. He highly values ​​sincerity and moderation in everything, from spending money to showing feelings. He tries to choose a girl who is similar to him - disciplined and not too whimsical in everyday life. He values ​​self-care very highly, paying mainly attention to some little things. Always be attentive to your words and actions, praise him more often and then this man will blossom before your eyes.

How to keep a Virgo man

If everything is smooth and ideal in the family, a man will never pay attention to other women. A lot depends on the wife here. Giving all of himself to create a strong family, a man demands the same from a woman. His life partner should:

  • be attractive and well-groomed;
  • be interesting as a person;
  • create coziness and comfort at home;
  • cook deliciously;
  • to be inimitable in public, because Virgo’s family is part of his status;
  • do not let your partner down in anything;
  • to be perfect in sex.

Of course, meeting all these requirements is quite difficult. Any attempt to relax can lead to the woman being passed over by a younger and more attractive rival, or the partner simply losing interest in her. But in exchange for all this, the man will provide his woman with a comfortable life, care, support and fidelity. A Virgo man will never betray or abandon you in difficult times. Perhaps outwardly he seems calm and cold, you need to understand that he has feelings, he just cannot express them.

If stability, calmness and reliability are important to a woman, and not quickly fading romance and passion, she needs to pay attention to a man born under the Virgo zodiac sign.

Virgo men have very bright and emotional personalities, while they love stability and constancy. Even in relationships between men and women, Virgos are prone to long-term and serious relationships. Despite this, sometimes a Virgo man cheats.

This often happens for a number of reasons that the Virgo man’s companion needs to take into account. You should not immediately suspect him of treason. Long delays at the workplace and sometimes excessive hard work are normal for such a man. This is how Mother Nature created him. This is embedded in him on a subconscious level and it will be almost impossible to change his internal habits. In his case, this is an attempt to find a new ideal. Build a stronger relationship with a person who, in his opinion, is more suitable for him in temperament.

When should you not start worrying?

Virgo men themselves are quite cold. It is sometimes difficult for the woman next to him to understand his behavior. His politeness and courtesy are a sign of good upbringing. Self-criticism and discipline are his strong point. Constant overtime and the desire to earn more money is by no means a reason to suspect a Virgo man of cheating. Family loyalty is inherent in him from the very beginning, and until he begins to strive to suppress these principles in himself, the likelihood of betrayal is negligible.

When should you think about it?

The first sign that a Virgo man is cheating

or is about to go left - excessive criticism of his companion. He begins to aggressively and sometimes even unreasonably criticize the woman as his soul mate. Doing this very abruptly in a manner unusual for him. But this doesn’t even talk about his betrayal and not his gentleman.

For a Virgo man, an ideal life partner in all respects is the main goal. More often than not, he may not even consider physical cheating. For him, the wind component plays a dominant role. That is why the companion should first of all pay attention to making sure that the Virgo man feels comfortable with her. You even need to know how!

What can prevent cheating?

In order to maintain a relationship and not think that your beloved Virgo man will think about cheating, it is enough to adhere to a few basic rules. It is always worth remembering that Virgo approaches the choice of a woman very carefully and... He chooses a companion for his whole life, ready to be with him in both sorrow and joy. The one who will help, support and encourage you in difficult times. One that will give you real home comfort and warmth, which is very important to him. If, on top of everything else, she cooks superbly, then this is simply ideal. In this case, the Virgo man will not even mentally have the desire to cheat.

A Virgo man rarely cheats on his woman. The main reason for betrayal lies in the woman herself. It is easier for him to completely end the relationship than to change while maintaining it. So just follow these 7 basic tips for a female companion.

Virgo men:

  1. Be feminine, trying to give him the warmth and understanding that he is looking for.
  2. Work on yourself, eradicate. This will help you improve your relationship and become more attractive to a man.
  3. Try to cook deliciously, the Virgo man will appreciate it. Keep your home in order; comfort and warmth are important to him.
  4. Give him a lot of attention, give him
  5. Do not create emotional upheavals and showdowns; stability and calm are important to him.
  6. Try to be more unpretentious in everyday life and economical in shopping.
  7. Spend a lot of free time together, but don't forget to give him time for yourself.

By adhering to these simple rules, which can be applied to many men, you can, if not prevent, but significantly reduce the likelihood of a Virgo man cheating. Remember! If a young man feels good with you not only physically, but also spiritually, he will never go to the left and will not even think about it!

Each person is born under his own star, so his fate is predetermined almost from the first days of life. For example, a boy was born with the zodiac combination “Snake-Virgo”, what awaits him in the future, and what should he be especially careful about?

In the combination of the zodiac signs “Snake-Virgo”, a man is endowed with fundamentally contradictory character traits: on the one hand, he is gentle and good-natured, but on the other, he is distinguished by special cunning, cunning and prudence. That is why it is difficult to get along with him, and even more difficult to understand and admit that he is right.

Character traits

First of all, such men are distinguished by a special temperament; they are punctual, neat and pedantic, and do not tolerate fuss and inattention. In their daily life, everything is sorted into shelves, so any disorder, and especially chaos, causes a feeling of panic and a lack of control over the situation. This approach to life is formed every day, so a woman is not able to change anything in his mind.

The Virgo-Snake horoscope suggests that representatives of the stronger sex are prone to analysis, and impulsive actions and actions are not characteristic of their cold-blooded and calculating nature. Before doing anything, a man will think several times, and at the same time determine the real benefit to himself. Only in this case will the result follow immediately, and the general opinion and, especially, condemnation will remain beyond the bounds of consciousness.

Men born in this zodiac combination are distinguished by colossal intuition, rarely make mistakes in people, and never compromise with their conscience. It is useless to deceive a snake, since it still will not believe a single word of a liar, but will draw its own conclusions about such an unscrupulous person.

Virgo, born in the year of the Snake, is not particularly good-natured, and sees her own hidden intention in any request. He rarely helps people, judges his opponents harshly and remembers all his enemies by name. These are vindictive and arrogant men who will always have their own point of view, and it is generally impossible to convince them of anything. You shouldn’t even try, because it could end in an acute conflict situation, a fight or a loud scandal.

The Virgo-Snake will find a way out of any current situation, but she puts her interests in all endeavors exclusively in the foreground. So, not everyone may like this outcome, and it is better not to have financial affairs with representatives of this zodiac combination at all. Such a friend is not always reliable and faithful, but the enemy is fierce and bloodthirsty with outward calm and equanimity. In general, you can communicate, but with great caution and not reveal “all your cards” to your interlocutor.

The Snake-Virgo man is very olfactory by nature, so he is surrounded by a huge number of ladies who sincerely count on his favor and increased attention to them. However, he does not spray himself, but chooses a special woman for himself.

In a relationship

It is very difficult to make representatives of this zodiac combination fall in love with you, and what can I say - it is very difficult to even attract attention to yourself. That is why an interested girl will have to work hard so that he at least looks in her direction. What should I do for this? As a rule, the Virgo-Snake loves not only with her eyes, but also counts on a wise and erudite life partner. At the same time, the lady of the heart must always look impeccable, have a clean reputation and a significant word in society. Only in this way can she safely count on increased interest from the Virgo man, who was born in the year of the Snake.

Their relationship is very contradictory, and sometimes it happens that the lovers simply change roles. He is always offended by something, and she tries to smooth out all the rough corners of the conflict situation. It turns out that these relationships are based on female enthusiasm, and the man constantly considers himself the center of the universe. Increased demands on a partner turns an idyll into a constant scandal, but if a woman passes this test, she will receive a reliable and generous man as her husband.

In family

The Virgo-Snake man is not particularly drawn to family life, but if this event does happen in his destiny, he suddenly turns into an exemplary family man. He is able not only to protect and protect his young family, but also to provide them with everything necessary for a cloudless life. That is why representatives of this zodiac combination are desperate careerists, but you definitely cannot call them womanizers and womanizers.

The man strives for children, and believes that there should be many of them in a close-knit family. That is why each subsequent addition to the family rejoices as if it were the first time; At the same time, he cheerfully jokes that this is not the last child in the family. Children love their caring father, and he, in turn, gives them warmth, kindness and all his free time.

In career

At work, these are born leaders who constantly demand promotion up the trade union ladder. Management is always in good standing, and the workforce even idolizes such charismatic colleagues. They grasp any information on the fly, demonstrate their analytical abilities, and are able to defend their own point of view even in the eyes of the management team.

The Virgo-Snake cannot remain submissive for a long time, therefore, in such an unfavorable situation, she urgently changes jobs and is not afraid to take risks.

Material benefits for such an uncompromising man are not an empty phrase, because it is money and power, in his opinion, that are the driving force and the opportunity to achieve maximum success in modern society. That's the goal.

If you carefully study the horoscope, the Virgo-Snake is a man who in life does not know difficulties and compromises, and makes all decisions only after a long thought process, based on personal gain and prospects for the future.

If you have fallen in love with a Virgo man, develop your intellect. He cannot stand irresponsibility, lack of composure, ignorance, stupidity, dirt and vulgarity. He needs a woman who is pure in body and soul. He highly values ​​sincerity and moderation in everything, from spending money to showing feelings. He tries to choose a girl who is similar to him - disciplined and not too whimsical in everyday life. He values ​​self-care very highly, paying mainly attention to some little things. Always be attentive to your words and actions, praise him more often and then this man will blossom before your eyes.

How to tell if a Virgo man is cheating?

Virgos are famous for their constancy, and not everyone can conquer a man born under this zodiac sign. But if it does come to betrayal, a woman deceived in her best feelings has a chance to never find out about it: Virgos are distinguished by caution, sometimes worthy of better use. If a Virgo man has met the One for whom he could risk a time-tested and dear relationship, he is still unlikely to want to do this, and if he does, the secret will remain shrouded in darkness.

It is possible that the same one will reveal the secret, not suspecting that she will immediately cease to be such, for Virgos do not favor talkers of either sex. However, there is one sure sign that allows you to distinguish the Cheating Virgin - this is the phrase: “I fell in love with another,” which is not subject to discussion or appeal.

Why does a Virgo man cheat?

He is very stable emotionally, but he can also change. And this happens for a number of reasons that his chosen one should know about. For example, his delays at work, his desire to work more and even on weekends are absolutely no cause for concern. That's just how he is and you can't change him. And betrayal in his case is simply a search for a new ideal for relationships in the future.

When not to worry

He is quite cold, so a woman cannot always correctly interpret his behavior. If he is polite and moderately critical, then this is quite normal. He is not ready for betrayal until she begins to behave aggressively and does not seek to suppress his personality. Don't worry if he spends more time at work. He strives to earn more money. Also, his frequent business trips should not cause scandals.

When to worry

If he suddenly begins to criticize his other half frequently, it means he has decided to break off the relationship. The fact is that for him, cheating is a sign of uncleanliness, so he is unlikely to cheat physically. However, in his case, moral betrayal is much more dangerous. She should take more care of him so that he does not look for another partner, and also not give him scandals and noisy evenings.

So as not to change

To prevent him from changing, it is enough to adhere to some rules. Choosing a woman for him is a serious step. He is looking for a calm woman who will allow him to truly feel what home comfort means. He also needs a woman who will cook deliciously. If she meets these criteria, then he is unlikely to want to cheat on her, because she feels so comfortable and good.

The most important!

He is one of the men who rarely resort to cheating. In relationships, he stands for decency and if his partner does not suit him, then most likely he will simply break off the relationship. His partner should just be able to cook deliciously and not give him emotional shocks. He is looking for a simple woman, economical and unpretentious in everyday life. If his partner meets these criteria, then he is unlikely to cheat on her.

The Virgo man is a zodiac sign with a fairly stable character. Strives for complete mutual understanding and is happy when he and his loved one have common interests. She will never commit treason just like that: a Virgo’s betrayal can only be provoked by deception on the part of a loved one or an incomplete relationship. Therefore, Virgos need to express their dissatisfaction directly - hushing up the problem will create a tense atmosphere, from which Virgo will try to free itself in the arms of another woman. And you definitely need to strive for harmony in relationships, paying attention to both the physical and spiritual aspects.

The zodiac sign is quite consistent, so they cannot accidentally change it; they must have very good reasons for such a step. The reason may be insufficient sex with your partner. If his betrayal has been discovered, then he will not ask for forgiveness, and if a woman endlessly reproaches him, then this may cause a breakup.

Why does a Virgo woman cheat?

The Virgo woman regards betrayal, both her man’s and her own, as a real betrayal, and therefore she will neither forgive him for intrigues on the side, nor allow herself to stoop to it. And there would be no doubt about the fidelity of the Virgo woman, if not for the eternal “every rule has its exception”: the Virgo woman confidently takes third place in the list of the most faithful wives, skipping ahead of Sagittarius and Cancer, and therefore this fact clearly demonstrates that representatives of this zodiac sign still have affairs outside of marriage.

And if Virgo falls into the arms of another man, it is not at all out of boredom! She has a good reason for this: revenge! For coldness, for the partner’s lack of attention to his person, for the insults inflicted, for the betrayal of his life partner, in the end! And the purpose of betrayal is very simple - to make your spouse suffer! Moreover, Virgo may not actually cheat, but she will arrange everything in such a way that the spouse who offended her will be absolutely sure of the opposite.

If the reason for the betrayal was unexpectedly flared up feelings for another person, then the Virgo woman will hide her infidelity in the most careful way and will not share the “secret” even with her best friend. In terms of the “thought-outness” of betrayal, the Virgo woman is in no way inferior to the Virgo man: her affair will be planned down to the smallest detail and organized so cunningly and cleverly that not a single living soul will suspect, including the deceived spouse himself. And since no one was convicted of deception, it follows that there is no deception as such: and, as they say, if you are not caught, you are not a thief!

Virgo men have very bright and emotional personalities, while they love stability and constancy. Even in relationships between men and women, Virgos are prone to long-term and serious relationships. Despite this, sometimes a Virgo man cheats.

This often happens for a number of reasons that the Virgo man’s companion needs to take into account. You should not immediately suspect him of treason. Long delays at the workplace and sometimes excessive hard work are normal for such a man. This is how Mother Nature created him. This is embedded in him on a subconscious level and it will be almost impossible to change his internal habits. In his case, this is an attempt to find a new ideal. Build a stronger relationship with a person who, in his opinion, is more suitable for him in temperament.

When should you not start worrying?

Virgo men themselves are quite cold. It is sometimes difficult for the woman next to him to understand his behavior. His politeness and courtesy are a sign of good upbringing. Self-criticism and discipline are his strong point. Constant overtime and the desire to earn more money is by no means a reason to suspect a Virgo man of cheating. Family loyalty is inherent in him from the very beginning, and until he begins to strive to suppress these principles in himself, the likelihood of betrayal is negligible.

When should you think about it?

The first sign that a Virgo man is cheating

or is about to go left - excessive criticism of his companion. He begins to aggressively and sometimes even unreasonably criticize the woman as his soul mate. Doing this very abruptly in a manner unusual for him. But this doesn’t even talk about his betrayal and not his gentleman.

For a Virgo man, an ideal life partner in all respects is the main goal. More often than not, he may not even consider physical cheating. For him, the wind component plays a dominant role. That is why the companion should first of all pay attention to making sure that the Virgo man feels comfortable with her. You even need to know how!

What can prevent cheating?

In order to maintain a relationship and not think that your beloved Virgo man will think about cheating, it is enough to adhere to a few basic rules. It is always worth remembering that Virgo approaches the choice of a woman very carefully and... He chooses a companion for his whole life, ready to be with him in both sorrow and joy. The one who will help, support and encourage you in difficult times. One that will give you real home comfort and warmth, which is very important to him. If, on top of everything else, she cooks superbly, then this is simply ideal. In this case, the Virgo man will not even mentally have the desire to cheat.

A Virgo man rarely cheats on his woman. The main reason for betrayal lies in the woman herself. It is easier for him to completely end the relationship than to change while maintaining it. So just follow these 7 basic tips for a female companion.

Virgo men:

  1. Be feminine, trying to give him the warmth and understanding that he is looking for.
  2. Work on yourself, eradicate. This will help you improve your relationship and become more attractive to a man.
  3. Try to cook deliciously, the Virgo man will appreciate it. Keep your home in order; comfort and warmth are important to him.
  4. Give him a lot of attention, give him
  5. Do not create emotional upheavals and showdowns; stability and calm are important to him.
  6. Try to be more unpretentious in everyday life and economical in shopping.
  7. Spend a lot of free time together, but don't forget to give him time for yourself.

By adhering to these simple rules, which can be applied to many men, you can, if not prevent, but significantly reduce the likelihood of a Virgo man cheating. Remember! If a young man feels good with you not only physically, but also spiritually, he will never go to the left and will not even think about it!

How to tell if a Virgo man is cheating

If you suspect that a Virgo man is cheating on you, then most likely you are mistaken. Analyze exactly what actions or signs seem suspicious to you. Does your lover stay late at work, not just once, but almost constantly? When you try to keep him at home, does he respond that he needs to work and goes to the office even on weekends? Is he polite but cold, attentive, but does not share your enthusiasm for organizing a big holiday? Constantly goes on business trips, but tells you that he does not have free time for a joint weekend? But this is how a typical Virgo behaves! Work always comes first for her and she will have to come to terms with this. And even the smell of perfume and lipstick on the collar of a shirt often mean nothing at all, because Virgo communicates with many women at work and such accidents are possible.

Virgo's desire for constant work is fueled by two factors. The first, and, of course, the most important thing is the fear of poverty, especially in old age. The Virgo man works like a bee to make sure that he and his family never suffer from hunger. And in old age, when their strength is no longer the same, they will be able to live on the money they earned in advance. A completely understandable desire, isn’t it? Considering inflation processes and market fluctuations, the Virgo man simply cannot stop in his pursuit of money; there will never be enough for him. Moreover, he is not going to spend them at all. Everything you earn will be put aside for a rainy day.

The second reason why Virgos often stay late at work is their inescapable desire for perfection. Even if they don't get paid for overtime, they will try to endlessly improve what they do. This is how they express their creativity, and it is also the only thing that helps them calm their nerves. This quality of theirs can be refocused on more domestic matters. Challenge your Virgo to renovate your apartment, or even better, buy a small house in the village or a dacha. There is no end to the work there, and if you manage to captivate your loved one with this type of activity, you will at least be able to see him at home all weekend. You personally may not have many minutes of communication, much less tenderness. However, watching a Virgo man busily knocking with a hammer is still better than eating chocolate alone and watching endless TV series.

If it seems to you that your Virgo man is avoiding you, trying to be alone is also not a reason to worry. He needs frequent solitude, which has an extremely beneficial effect on him. Like a magic medicine, it calms Virgo and gives her strength to live. This is especially true when you live with relatives or have small children. The Virgo man does not fence himself off from you at all, does not run away, and does not experience any negative feelings. It’s just that his soul requires long periods of complete peace, introspection, and self-immersion. By the way, for this reason, he can also stay late at work in an empty office in order to recover a little from the annoying rush and bustle. Try to understand this need of his, do not insist on constantly spending time together, respect his right to privacy. It will be best if you help him with this. Believe me, when he returns from his short seclusion, he will be especially affectionate and gentle, relaxed and friendly.

Of course, Virgo men sometimes decide to break off relationships. In fact, Virgos do this extremely rarely. At first they make great efforts to improve the situation. First they will try to influence their partner, that is, you. If the amount of criticism directed at you exceeds his usual “repertoire,” this is a signal that it’s time for you to have an open conversation and find out what’s going on. If this attempt ends in failure, Virgo will try to adapt herself, so to speak, to get used to it. And yet, at one point, a Virgo man may decide that your relationship no longer makes sense, since it brings more suffering than joy. Then he will simply leave you. His internal code of honor will not allow him to cheat on his wife - because in this way he offends not only her, but also the woman with whom he spends time. Decency is one of his integral character traits. Therefore, he will not “go left”, but will simply collect his things and leave you. Realizing the pain he caused you, he will most likely return to your house more than once with various gifts and congratulate you on the holidays. He will try to become your friend, to make amends for his guilt. Of course, this is only possible if you broke up “on good terms” and not as a result of a scandal or your fault.

Virgo man cheats: horoscope sign's tendency to cheat

Virgo man cheats: horoscope sign's tendency to cheat

Regardless of what zodiac sign your boyfriend was born under, he is capable of cheating. But each sign does this in its own way, each has its own distinctive features. Let's figure out how and why a Virgo man cheats.

To figure out why a Virgo man cheated, you need to find the reasons for this behavior:

  1. sudden but recurring delays at work;
  2. work on weekends;
  3. criticizes his wife on every occasion.

On the other hand, Virgo really has a desire to work hard and accomplish more. Guys of this sign want to achieve perfection in everything, hence their constant desire to create something. But, if this behavior does not end, then you should think about it.

What is typical for a Virgo man, betrayal can be moral. But the moral side can develop into physical contact.

Do Virgo men cheat? Of course, like any other zodiac sign. But there are times when you absolutely shouldn’t worry:

  • the man wants to be alone. Like any sign, he needs personal space, and loneliness affects him in a special way. So the guy completely relaxes and rests. In complete solitude, interesting thoughts come to him, creative ideas come to mind. And he shouldn’t interfere with this process;
  • delays in the evenings at work. This is not only a cause for concern, but quite the opposite. A guy might be in the office just to think. Peace gives a man strength. Therefore, allow him such weakness;
  • Frequent travel for work. It is possible that representatives of another sign use this opportunity for another affair, but not Virgo. For him, this is actually an opportunity to earn more money to support his family.

A guy born under such an interesting sign is afraid of being left without funds, especially if he has a wife and children. And suspicious wives sometimes needlessly create scandals out of nowhere, accusing their partner of something he didn’t do. Thus, they themselves push him into the arms of another woman. And such behavior is unacceptable.

Are Virgo Snake men prone to cheating? This combination is contradictory:

  • one side represents a soft and fluffy, good-natured spouse;
  • the other part combines cunning, sophisticated cunning and prudence.

Snakes, before making any decision, will think several times and analyze the possible consequences. Intuition works wonderfully for such men, and satisfaction of their needs will be in the foreground.

How do Virgo Snake men cheat, what distinguishes them from other signs? Let's start with the fact that it is difficult to interest this sign. A girl should have an impeccable appearance, and also constantly take care of herself. The guy likes interesting interlocutors with whom he can discuss any problem. Therefore, be careful if there is such a girl among your friends. The husband may become interested in her, and who knows what his passion will develop into.

Are there signs of betrayal and how to recognize them in Virgo Snake men? This is difficult because Virgo has great control over their emotions without flaunting them.

This behavior takes a lot of energy, and the partner may break down. You can understand that a guy of this sign has a mistress through endless nagging and scandals. He considers himself an ideal, so not every woman can stand him.

Pay attention to how your man treats other women. It is possible that your rival has wormed her way into your general circle. Virgo often cheats on his wife with her friends, who are in their house too often.

If a woman knows how to smooth out family conflicts and can satisfy the sensitive needs of Virgo’s husband, then her reward will be a reliable but demanding companion.

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Source: Virgo man cheats: the tendency of the horoscope sign to cheat No matter what zodiac sign your boyfriend was born under, he is capable of cheating. But each sign does it in its own way, each has its own, distinctive

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