Children's horoscope: how to understand and raise a Cancer child

Character of the Cancer child according to the horoscope

The main features that form the sign:

  • positive character traits - sensitivity, receptivity, developed imagination, responsibility, “homely” character, independence, caring, attentiveness, responsiveness, frugality, delicacy, caution, tact, romance;
  • negative traits - hypersensitivity and sensuality (search for acute, unusual sensations), suspiciousness, suggestibility, lack of independence, stinginess, secrecy, cowardice, sarcasticity, resentment, a tendency to loneliness.

Cancer is a small constellation whose main star is Akubens. Two thousand years ago, the summer solstice was observed in the sign of Cancer, when the Sun abundantly gave its energy, light and warmth.

The longest day was celebrated. Cancer is depicted as a crab, whose round body signifies wisdom and selfless love. The round body of the crab resembles the Moon, which rules the sign. The moon heightens sensuality and influences behavior.

People born under the sign of Cancer have a “subtle” nervous system with highly developed intuition. Therefore, they often seem strange and sometimes incomprehensible to others. They have a strong feeling, the energy of which they generate around them, influencing other people. Interestingly, most prominent hypnotists were born under this sign.

Talents and abilities of Cancer

Hypnotic abilities appear in Cancer from early childhood. Some astrologers consider them bashful and timid, others consider them too lively, and you need to keep an eye on them, especially with regard to their interest in the opposite sex.

Most likely it is their ability to hypnotize other people. Cancer resembles the Martian boy Bradbury, who takes on the appearance that his loved ones want to see in him. Likewise, children born under the sign of Cancer have several “masks” that change depending on what mask others want to see them under - their unusually developed intuition and artistry of transformation help them in this.

What caused this change of masks? Perhaps, as some astrologers believe, their increased sensitivity and spiritual vulnerability. They use the mask as a means of unconscious protection, like a shell into which a snail hides in a moment of danger.

They exhibit increased sensitivity and irritability already from the cradle. They are very impatient, their mood changes quickly. At an older age, the child shows a rich imagination, vivid imagination, daydreaming and sentimentality, but only if you come into contact with the child.

Before this, he may avoid you, be secretive and withdrawn. Cancer's ambition is as strong as the desire for personal freedom and independence. He prefers independence, persistently warning that “I myself” will do it. But activity stimulated by ambition is often suppressed by a phlegmatic temperament.

Being the second sign of the circle of Will, Cancers rarely show strong-willed qualities in achieving goals, prudence, restraint and calm. They do things without excessive showiness, aggressiveness and violence.

I have cancer and so does my mother. Who to treat?

Reader question:

Hello, father. I may have a difficult question, but I don't know where else to turn. Six months ago I was diagnosed with cancer. This diagnosis led me to God. I am grateful to him for this. Without this diagnosis, I would have been “getting ready” for a long time. It was after the diagnosis that I found my priest and my church, where I go with great pleasure. Now confession and communion have become an integral part of my life. The thing is that after the operation I have to undergo 6 courses of chemotherapy. Courses were constantly postponed due to complications. 4th course I had to reduce the dosage. And then I find out that my mother has the same diagnosis. I have no choice but to finish my treatment and take care of my mother. Of course, I am tormented by fears and doubts. I do not know what to do. It is not possible to undergo further treatment, since it is quite difficult and my mother helped me. Now she needs help, and I also have children. At the same time, the dynamics are positive. The treatment is successful. But what should I do now? On the one hand there are doctors, on the other there is the Lord. I pray and trust in God.


Archpriest Andrey EFANOV

Archpriest Andrei Efanov answers:

God's blessing be upon you!

Dear Yulia, God help you! Without knowing your situation, it is very difficult to say how and what to do. You are doing the right thing by praying. Pray to God and ask the Mother of God to help you. Regarding oncology, prayers are ordered in front of the icon of the Mother of God “The Tsarina of All.” Try to find a canon or akathist in front of this icon and read about yourself and your mother (and whoever else you want) in front of the icon, if possible, daily, every other day or at least once a week.

Next, I would advise you to think about whether it is possible to somehow combine your treatment and your mother’s. Cancer is a special situation when you need to mobilize all your strength. If you and your mother have husbands, you need to write down exactly what is required so that they can help. If you have relatives, friends and neighbors with whom you have good relationships, think about maybe some kind of regular help from them (let’s say, if help is needed daily, then each person will help once a week or two for the duration of the course). The question is, what age are the children? If they are already teenagers, they may spend some time without you, preparing the simplest food or eating semi-finished products. There is too little information, sorry, to be more specific. Of course, you definitely need to talk to a priest about your problem. Maybe the church has a social service or some kind of group of volunteers, say, for youth work, and they could connect with your family during therapy courses. You only have three courses left to complete. It's hard, but it's not all 6, but half. You're already halfway there, there's still half left!

God grant that we manage to organize everything. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, just write clearly and indicate what you need. The more specific the service, the easier it is to find someone who can help with it.

May the Lord help you in this most difficult test!

Advice for parents whose child is Cancer according to their horoscope

Already from childhood, Cancers feel a craving for “strong personalities” (which remains with them as they grow up), they strive to find their ideal in life. However, they are prone to exaggeration and sensation-seeking. Their excessive enthusiasm is often replaced by a feeling of disappointment. Their active nature and inner restlessness draw them to travel from a young age, in search of adventure. Sometimes they run away from home.

Cancer child according to horoscope. Cancers are sensitive, so from childhood they are attracted to art, literature, and poetry. They are interested in films, theater plays, music, ballet, etc. They retain their love for art throughout their lives.

The vulnerability of Cancers is so strong that even from childhood they can cry easily and a lot. However, grievances quickly pass, tears are replaced by a smile if they are treated attentively and kindly.

They react very sharply to how they are treated. Do not try to persistently invade their inner world and personal secrets. Such children cannot be frightened, punished, or laughed at.

Doctors finally gave an accurate answer whether cancer is inherited

Cancer is a common disease. In most cases, the disease develops accidentally. However, some people are genetically predisposed to developing certain types of cancer. General practitioner, cardiologist, oncologist at the European Clinic Elina Aranovich spoke about the role of heredity in the development of cancer.

Sometimes cancer of the same localization is detected in several representatives of different generations in a family. The term “cancer family” can be applied to them. How can we explain this heredity?

Each parent passes a specific set of genes to the child. Accordingly, from one of them he may receive a damaged copy of the gene, and because of this mutation, a tumor will develop in a specific organ in the future. It is important to understand that it is not cancer itself that is genetically transmitted, but only a predisposition to it. When multiple cases of the disease are identified in a family, it is most often by chance or because family members share a common risk factor, such as smoking.

There is a small group of malignant tumors that are passed on to offspring as an individual hereditary sign of predisposition to their occurrence. According to the American Cancer Association, only five to ten percent of all types of tumors are due to a genetic mutation; the remaining 90-95 percent of malignant processes are associated with environmental factors and lifestyle.

Common types of hereditary forms of cancer are considered to be pathologies of the reproductive organs (breast and ovarian cancer) and the digestive system.

Hereditary forms of tumors of the digestive system can be caused by a group of syndromes that increase the likelihood of developing gastrointestinal tumors. Lynch syndrome is considered the most common of these. This is a genetic disease that leads to colon cancer. Also, with this syndrome, patients may develop cancer of the stomach and ureter, cancer of the uterine body.

Cowden syndrome is a genetic abnormality that is caused by a defect in the PTEN gene, which helps regulate cell growth. The syndrome can cause cancerous tumors in the breast, as well as in the digestive tract, thyroid gland, uterus and ovaries.

Inheritance of a TP53 mutation causes Li-Fraumeni syndrome. It is a rare hereditary disease that is characterized by the early onset of multiple primary cancers: breast cancer or brain tumors, and lung or ovarian cancer may occur.

You should definitely consult a doctor if several of your first-degree relatives (parents, sisters, brothers, children) have been diagnosed with cancer, especially in one location; if you were diagnosed with young cancer (before 50 years of age); if relatives have been diagnosed with cancer without risk factors (for example, lung cancer in non-smokers).

Features of Cancer

Teachers should also know this: having scolded a child once for stupidity, disobedience, and inattention, they risk perpetuating these qualities in him, since a Cancer child, as a rule, does not seek to change the opinions of others about him. To a certain extent, he floats through life, not very actively resisting its sharp turns.

Often the reason for the failure of a Cancer student is not his insufficient abilities, but simply a loss of time and missing classes. He doesn't like to study on his own. The best way to eliminate the gap in knowledge is to seek the help of a tutor.

It is believed that the most responsible age for raising a Cancer child is 8 and 10 years. Cancer loves miracles: give him surprises and small holidays.

Sergey Vronsky

Mother invented cancer and imminent death for her son

Author Natalia Sinitsa

Updated: 11/26/2012 23:15 Published: 11/25/2012 14:00

Incidents » Parade of scammers

The desire to quickly get rich forced a 37-year-old woman to make her ten-year-old son disabled. An enterprising lady shaved her son's head, sat him in a wheelchair and convinced him that he had cancer and would soon die. And all in order to receive a large insurance payment.

7 shared

Emma LaGarde is currently serving a sentence of three years and nine months. The son doesn’t miss her at all: “I don’t love her,” says the boy. - She's evil. I don't think she's right in the head. I really don't understand why she did this. I'm surprised why she chose me. I talked to my dad and decided it was probably because of my age. It was terrifying to think that I had cancer. Mom made me think I was going to die. I asked her to explain why she did it, but she didn't. Because of her, I missed all the fun. I wanted to play football in the park with other kids, but my mother kept me at home. She made people treat me like I was completely different. She didn't let me be a normal child."

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