Lunar haircut calendar for May 2020 - favorable days

Warm spring weather simply obliges every girl to look stunning. Therefore, you cannot do without regular trips to the beauty salon.

The lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for May 2020 will help you choose the most favorable day in May to visit a hairdresser.

Find out also about the most favorable days of June 2020....→

When to cut your hair?

The lunar calendar has long been used to determine the days on which it is preferable to cut, curl or dye hair. Naturally, the health of your hair depends on proper nutrition and care.

The use of vitamins for hair growth, strengthening masks and special care products cannot be replaced by cutting hair. To know when you can cut your hair according to the Oracle, you need to be guided by the lunar haircut calendar for May 2020. By following simple recommendations, you can increase the effect of proper hair care and be able to enhance the positive results of hair care procedures.

Calendars for May 2020

Horoscope of haircuts and hair coloring according to the lunar phase calendar, indicating favorable and unlucky days of the month. In May 2020, the periods of the new and old Moon, its quarters, zodiac location and movement through the twelve signs of the Zodiac are taken into account.

Moscow time is indicated.

Cutting, coloring and hairstyle calendar

A woman's astro forecast for hair care will tell you when it is best to cut it according to the lunar calendar. You will learn when you can carry out coloring and curling procedures, and how these manipulations will affect the condition of your curls. Choose the optimal date for visiting the hairdresser so that your hair grows quickly and maintains health, radiance, and shine.

May 1, 2020, FridayMoon in LeoWaxing Crescent9, 10 lunar day
  1. This Friday it is advisable to postpone visiting the salon. The tenth day of the cycle portends problems with well-being and slow growth.
  2. Meanwhile, today is the growing phase, the Moon is in the sign of Leo. The moment is favorable for applying vegetable dyes, as well as for the use of synthetic dyes. You can safely lighten your hair and cover your gray hair – your hair will not be harmed. Perms should be postponed until later.
  3. Now hairstyles are everyday, styling is everyday. The main thing is to comb your hair more often to attract positive energies and strengthen the hair structure.
May 2, 2020, SaturdayMoon in VirgoWaxing Crescent10, 11 lunar day
  1. Favorable days are coming in May 2020, when the Waxing Moon moves to the constellation Virgo. Getting a haircut on Saturday means getting rid of melancholy or loneliness. Growth will please you, new forms will last a long time. Your hair will be easy to style and will stop splitting.
  2. Today is the ideal time for a perm - the columns will remain healthy, and the curls will last longer than usual. Any coloring is acceptable. Coloring, highlighting, and unusual shades will be permanent. The coloring results will pleasantly surprise you.
  3. Comfortable hairstyles that you are used to. It is good to strengthen with masks or balms.
May 3, 2020, SundayMoon in VirgoWaxing Crescent11, 12 lunar day
  1. Haircuts on Sunday are fraught with troubles, disharmony, and deterioration in well-being. However, the eleventh lunar day, on the contrary, favors the removal of ends, thinning, and shape correction. Simple hairdressing manipulations will protect you from insults and negative events.
  2. According to the lunar calendar for May 2020, the Moon is still in Virgo. Hair coloring using natural products is acceptable. Then it will be possible to eliminate difficulties in the professional arena.
  3. Today's styling is neat and noble. The hairstyles are thoughtful, with a touch of severity.
May 4, 2020, MondayMoon in LibraWaxing Crescent12, 13 lunar day
  1. This Monday, the waxing moon went to the constellation Libra. Get a haircut to speed up growth, ward off bad feelings and attract flows of monetary energies. It is not advisable to get new haircuts. A woman is unlikely to achieve the expected effect. The curls may be unruly, fluffy or frizzy.
  2. The twelfth lunar day is good for dyeing with organic dyes - you can achieve financial stability. Astrologers do not recommend resorting to sudden changes in color or length. Restorative procedures should be preferred. Herbal balms and homemade masks will give excellent results.
  3. Today's hairstyles are interesting, with a twist. The styling is original. This attitude towards hair will attract love luck.
May 5, 2020, TuesdayMoon in LibraWaxing Crescent13, 14 lunar day
  1. In the beauty calendar for May, the thirteenth day of the lunar cycle is favorable for haircuts. Visits to the hairdresser on Tuesday will develop intuition, strengthen the immune system, and eliminate financial difficulties. Meanwhile, the night luminary is in Libra, which means it is better not to rush with any experiments.
  2. It is recommended to reschedule painting procedures. It is advisable to start strengthening your hair. Masks or balms of light consistency are suitable. Healing herbal decoctions will bring a good effect.
  3. Now you need to do styling and hairstyles yourself, listening to your inner voice.
May 6, 2020, WednesdayMoon in ScorpioWaxing Crescent14, 15 lunar day
  1. This Wednesday, the Waxing Moon migrated to the abode of the mysterious Scorpio. Haircuts can have a negative impact on your psycho-emotional state. Meanwhile, owners of painful, faded hair will benefit from a slight hairstyle correction.
  2. The fourteenth moments of the cycle are favorable for minor changes in shade. The girl will be able to achieve the desired success in current issues. Chemical exposure is fraught with thinning of the structure, the ends will begin to split. It is advisable to apply nourishing or moisturizing masks.
  3. The astrological calendar advises making your hair as natural as possible, with a parting. To attract the energies of renewal and positive transformation.
May 7, 2020, ThursdayMoon in ScorpioFull moon15, 16 lunar day
  1. According to the lunar calendar, in May 2020 the Full Moon falls on the fifteenth day of the lunar cycle. Cutting your hair on the Full Moon means gaining healthy and beautiful hair. However, the sign of Scorpio can lead to unpredictable effects. On Thursday, bangs can be corrected; split ends can be cut off to gain self-confidence or increase social status.
  2. Astrologers recommend that girls dye their hair in natural dark shades to protect themselves from unnecessary hassle and force majeure situations.
  3. The hairstyle for today is simple, without waves or curls.
May 8, 2020, FridayMoon in SagittariusWaning moon16, 17 lunar day
  1. On Friday, the night luminary enters a waning phase and goes to visit Sagittarius. This is an extremely bad period for haircuts; new shapes will disappoint and cannot be styled. The sixteenth day of the lunar cycle is unfavorable for visiting the salon. Especially if a woman has endocrine disruptions or problems with the cardiovascular system.
  2. According to the haircut calendar for May, today hair coloring can be very annoying. Bright colors will wash away at lightning speed. It is possible to paint in natural dark tones using organic means to come to inner harmony and peace. Today's perm will quickly deteriorate.
  3. Tie a high bun or a classic ponytail.
May 9, 2020, SaturdayMoon in SagittariusWaning moon17, 18 lunar day
  1. The Moon is still on the decline, resting in the abode of Sagittarius. New haircuts are acceptable if a girl is preparing for major life changes. On Saturday, you can remove excess length and cut off the ends to stabilize the emotional background. But hairdressing experiments should wait.
  2. On the seventeenth lunar day, coloring with natural dyes is recommended. Give preference to red shades or natural blonde. Then the woman will be able to establish relationships with loved ones, loved ones, as well as with friends or colleagues.
  3. Any hairstyle for Saturday, but always with scarlet or yellow ribbons (elastic bands, hairpins, other decorations). Such accessories will call on active solar energies.
May 10, 2020, SundayMoon in SagittariusWaning moon18th lunar day
  1. Today is not the best time to visit a stylist - on Sunday the female energy field is extremely vulnerable to any third-party interference. Nevertheless, on the eighteenth lunar day, people cut their hair to enhance charm, attractiveness, and give the hair a healthy shine.
  2. The Moon is in the constellation Sagittarius. Therefore, drastic painting should be cancelled. You can paint yourself in those shades that once brought a girl great luck. It's not time for curls yet.
  3. Now the styling is normal, it is recommended to highlight the bangs.
May 11, 2020, MondayMoon in CapricornWaning moon18, 19 lunar day
  1. Monday falls on the nineteenth day of the lunar cycle. Today's hairdressing manipulations are fraught with exacerbations of chronic ailments. If possible, reschedule the appointment with the barber for later.
  2. Favorable days are coming for hair coloring in May, because the Moon has settled in the sign of Capricorn. You can experiment with shades. Curls will not harm the hair structure. To attract useful connections, it is worth applying vegetable dyes.
  3. Surprise those around you with a simple but very neat hairstyle. Brush your hair more often to renew wasted energy.
May 12, 2020, TuesdayMoon in CapricornWaning moon19, 20 lunar day
  1. In astrology, Capricorn has an excellent effect on hair. The most favorable days of May for haircuts have arrived. Now the curls will become strong and obedient. Problems with loss will go away, the structure will become denser. On the twentieth day of the cycle, you can get a haircut to lift your mood and find harmony.
  2. Today, any coloring is allowed. It will be possible to cover age-related gray hair. Unusual shades will look noble and will surprise you with their color fastness. Perm will not affect the health of your hair in any way.
  3. On Tuesday, hairstyles are modest and calm. It's better to avoid jewelry.
May 13, 2020, WednesdayMoon in AquariusWaning moon20, 21 lunar days
  1. In the haircut horoscope for May 2020, days when the Moon moves to the constellation Aquarius are favorable for hairdressing innovations. True, it’s worth holding off on the usual forms for now. On the twenty-first lunar day, it is customary to get a haircut to ward off serious illnesses. Visits to the beauty salon on Wednesday will help you sort out your thoughts and decisions.
  2. Today's colors for hair coloring, according to the calendar, are non-trivial and catchy. You can paint yourself in very light shades to attract useful contacts.
  3. The styling is extravagant. Add metal accessories to your hairstyle.
May 14, 2020, ThursdayMoon in AquariusThird quarter21, 22 lunar day
  1. May Thursday falls on the twenty-second day of the lunar cycle. This means that haircuts will eliminate problems with the upper respiratory system, strengthen the immune system, and help you believe in yourself. However, it is not advisable to experiment with length; growth will be slow.
  2. According to the money calendar for May 2020, now painting in natural colors will eliminate financial obstacles. Will attract profit.
  3. Today the hairstyle is calm, without pretentiousness. Frequent combing will open the doors to the world of sacred knowledge.
May 15, 2020, FridayMoon in PiscesWaxing Crescent22, 23 lunar day
  1. Friday haircuts will benefit only women with damaged structure, thin, lifeless curls. The waning Moon went to the sign of Pisces. Therefore, problems with the scalp (itching, dandruff) are possible. You should not get your hair cut on the twenty-third day of your cycle to prevent troubles.
  2. Today, harsh chemicals will cause serious damage to women's hair. Painting with henna or basma at home is acceptable.
  3. Astrologers recommend curling large locks of hair to attract the positive energies of the cosmos. You can braid low braids.
May 16, 2020, SaturdayMoon in PiscesWaning moon23, 24 lunar day
  1. According to the lunar calendar for May 2020, Saturday falls on the twenty-fourth day of the cycle. Therefore, today a haircut will turn into a source of vitality and emotional balance. The decreasing phase will help maintain the selected shape. Girls with skin diseases should not get their hair cut.
  2. Optimal coloring is natural dark colors. It is advisable to use gentle dyes with natural ingredients. Such manipulations will allow you to get what you want in business or career.
  3. The styling is simple, but wavy. You can curl voluminous curls.
May 17, 2020, SundayMoon in PiscesWaning moon24, 25 lunar day
  1. Sunday will be under the influence of the Waning Moon in Pisces. The day is unfavorable for visiting the hairdresser. Haircuts on the twenty-fifth day of the lunar cycle will have a bad effect on the psycho-emotional background. Hair health will deteriorate.
  2. Today's coloring procedures are fraught with conflict situations both at home and at work.
  3. Esotericists advise wearing hats, scarves and other headdresses. In this way, the woman will protect herself from negative influences from the outside.
May 18, 2020, MondayMoon in AriesWaning moon25, 26 lunar day
  1. On Monday, the night star will be located in the constellation Aries. Haircuts on the twenty-sixth lunar day will lead to depressive moods, obsessive thoughts, or provoke apathy. It is better to prefer a scalp massage to stabilize the growth processes.
  2. This day is good for hair coloring in May 2020. You can dye your hair natural colors using organic products if you have an important event coming up. Strengthen your structure with collagen masks, you won’t go wrong.
  3. Now the styling is lush, let’s say backcombing. The hairstyle is high but simple.
May 19, 2020, TuesdayMoon in AriesWaning moon26, 27 lunar day
  1. Today the Moon is resting in the abode of Aries. Meanwhile, the haircut calendar for May 2020 is encouraging: on the twenty-seventh lunar day, you can correct the shape, lighten your hair with thinning, in order to become more successful and influential.
  2. This Tuesday, experimental shades will attract powerful energies of prosperity, health, and financial well-being. Toning, coloring or highlighting will bring excellent results.
  3. Give preference to special and at the same time laconic styling. Original weaving is acceptable.
May 20, 2020, WednesdayMoon in TaurusWaning moon27, 28 lunar day
  1. Wednesday falls on the twenty-eighth day of the lunar cycle. For a haircut in May, this is not the most favorable day of the month - a visit to the salon is fraught with loss of strength and depletion of energy resources.
  2. The waning Moon has settled in the sign of Taurus. Therefore, the moment is good for applying strengthening balms and medicinal home masks. You can safely cover your gray hair. An insignificant change in shade will help maintain social status.
  3. Today the hairstyle is simple, everyday.
May 21, 2020, ThursdayMoon in TaurusWaning moon28, 29 lunar day
  1. Today's haircuts will be successful, because the night luminary is in the sign of Taurus. The condition of your hair will noticeably improve, your curls will look stunning. The twenty-ninth day of the cycle will give you an inner core and increase self-esteem. Dramatic experiments with length will attract the desired transformations on your life path.
  2. Dyeing with chemical paints, like perms, is fraught with financial troubles or quarrels. It is better to focus on wellness treatments.
  3. Flirty hairstyles this Thursday will be a source of positivity and joyful events.
May 22, 2020, FridayMoon in TaurusNew Moon29, 30, 1 lunar day
  1. The New Moon in Taurus is an extremely controversial time. On Friday, it is advisable to cancel your planned visits to the hairdresser. Haircuts can lead to disruptions in the body and psycho-emotional instability.
  2. Now it is advisable to abandon coloring in order to avoid troubles in the plans.
  3. Today's styling is non-trivial, with a twist. The hairstyles are beautiful and original.
May 23, 2020, SaturdayMoon in GeminiWaxing Crescent1st, 2nd lunar day
  1. On Saturday, the Moon entered its waxing phase, jumping to Gemini. New haircuts can disappoint, but familiar shapes will give moral satisfaction. Get your hair cut on the second day of your cycle to speed up the growth process and make your hair healthier.
  2. Today's organic paint jobs can pave the way for cash flow. The moment is good for perms. Toning will bring excellent results.
  3. Hairstyles are now airy and weightless. Avoid bulky jewelry and hats.
May 24, 2020, SundayMoon in GeminiWaxing Crescent2, 3 lunar day
  1. On the third day of the cycle, visiting a stylist will help you attract powerful financial energies. The Gemini sign can make your hair look frizzy or unruly. However, the hair will grow back very soon.
  2. On Sunday you cannot use aggressive dyes. But applying vegetable paints will contribute to career advancement. Perms can damage the hair structure.
  3. Today's hairstyles are simple and easy. Avoid complex hairstyles.
May 25, 2020, MondayMoon in CancerWaxing Crescent3, 4 lunar day
  1. According to the most accurate lunar calendar, on Monday, May 25, the Waxing Moon will move to Cancer. The fourth day of the cycle will come, when any haircuts are undesirable. Now new forms will bring complete disorder, the hair will not obey.
  2. Today, painting with natural means in natural tones is allowed. Such manipulations will attract profit and professional luck. Nourishing masks are recommended for those with dry, dehydrated hair.
  3. Hairstyles and styling are familiar and comfortable.
May 26, 2020, TuesdayMoon in CancerWaxing Crescent4, 5 lunar day
  1. Tuesday falls on the fifth day of the lunar cycle, which means that today's haircuts will reveal your creative potential and give you vitality. However, the sign of Cancer is unfavorable for hairdressing innovations.
  2. Astrologers recommend painting in light, natural shades in order to acquire reliable allies or patrons in your professional career. The moment is not suitable for perms.
  3. Hairstyles for today are voluminous and noble. The styling is lush.
May 27, 2020, WednesdayMoon in LeoWaxing Crescent5, 6 lunar day
  1. On Wednesday, the Moon moved to the constellation Leo. The fire zodiac sign has a positive effect on hair structure and appearance. Today's haircuts will speed up your recovery and prevent health problems.
  2. On the sixth lunar day, it is advisable to refrain from coloring procedures. There is a risk of ruining relationships with others. Curls are also inappropriate. Wellness treatments will give excellent results.
  3. Now the hairstyles are strict, but low. You shouldn't let your hair down.
May 28, 2020, ThursdayMoon in LeoWaxing Crescent6, 7 lunar day
  1. On Thursday you can safely go to the hairdresser. The waxing Moon in Leo will accelerate growth. Will help eliminate problems with hair or scalp. Haircuts on the seventh day of the cycle will sharpen your intuition.
  2. Favorable days are coming for tinting or painting. It will be possible to reveal female sexuality and enhance charm. It is advisable to postpone the perm.
  3. Nowadays hairstyles are curly and wavy.
May 29, 2020, FridayMoon in LeoWaxing Crescent7, 8 lunar day
  1. May Friday falls on the eighth lunar day. Do not cut your hair, because there is a risk of bringing a series of obstacles and failures upon yourself or your loved ones.
  2. It is undesirable to paint, even with organic paints. You can inadvertently ruin your reputation. Curling is acceptable, but the result will be unpredictable.
  3. Today, hairstyles are casual and do not attract attention.
May 30, 2020, SaturdayMoon in VirgoFirst quarter8, 9 lunar day
  1. The night luminary has made friends with Virgo, now is the ninth lunar day. Any haircut will save you from problems and also bring a dizzying effect. New forms can be laid. Growth will be good.
  2. Paint in natural tones to improve your mood and strengthen your immune system.
  3. On Saturday, hairstyles are voluminous, but modest. You can braid a classic high ponytail.
May 31, 2020, SundayMoon in VirgoWaxing Crescent9, 10 lunar day
  1. Sunday visits to the hairdresser are not advisable. However, the sign of Virgo and the growing phase are favorable for haircuts.
  2. The painting will go well. Gray hair will be covered easily. The curls will delight you with their durability. It is good to carry out strengthening procedures.
  3. Hairstyles are neat, without pretentiousness.

Favorable days for haircuts in May 2020

Use accurate astrological data to make your May visits to your stylist a joyful experience.

May 12, 2020, TuesdayThe earthly energies of Capricorn will give your hair strength and an attractive shimmer.
May 13, 2020, WednesdayAquarius will contribute to successful hairdressing experiments.
May 28, 2020, ThursdayThe waxing Moon in Leo will protect your hair and give it health.
May 30, 2020, SaturdayGrowing Moon in Virgo - any manipulation with hair is allowed.

Unfavorable days for haircuts in May 2020

The May 2020 calendar reports the most undesirable dates of the period. Listen to the tips of astrologers to prevent disastrous results.

May 8, 2020, FridayThe fiery energies of Sagittarius do not allow you to achieve a beautiful effect and harm your hair.
May 15, 2020, FridayThe waning Moon in unstable Pisces is the worst time for haircuts and coloring.
May 17, 2020, SundaySunday plus the sign of Pisces creates an extremely unfavorable situation when visits to the salon can turn into major troubles.
May 29, 2020, FridayIn astrology, the 8th day of the cycle is a risky time, when the human biofield is very vulnerable.

The influence of the moon phase on hair cutting

The phases of the moon in May 2020 primarily affect hair growth. A haircut on a certain lunar day can speed up hair growth or slow it down. On some days, you need to refrain from going to the hairdresser to maintain healthy hair: the tendency to hair loss may increase or, for example, dandruff may occur. This affects not only hair cutting, but also other procedures: hair coloring, perm, etc.

If you have a penchant for changing your hairstyles quite often, then it is obviously very important for you that your hair grows quickly in May 2020. In this case, for cutting your hair, it is better to choose the date when the waxing Moon is located in the first or second quarter.

If, on the contrary, you prefer to rarely visit the hairdressing salon, choose a favorable day when the Moon is in its waning phase. A haircut on the waning Moon will strengthen your hair roots and prevent hair loss, but they will grow back quite slowly. On the new moon, you should stop cutting your hair, because cutting your hair on these days shortens a person’s life.

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What day is best to get a haircut?

MAY 11, Friday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 03:31. PISCES
ARIES from 15:41
Moon without course from 12:02 to 15:40

A haircut

: until 15:40 – better to postpone; after 15:40 is a neutral time, but it is better to get a haircut for those who do not grow long hair and do not have problems with hair.

Other procedures

: before 15:40 - it is better to refuse any hair treatments, you should not even wash your hair.
After 15:40 is a good time for masks aimed at cleansing the hair and for massaging the scalp. You can also make a scalp scrub using sea salt
. This will strengthen your hair and accelerate its growth.

The effect of cutting on hair

: slow growth, until 15:40 - hair will become oilier faster, fall out more, become weaker and thinner; after 15:40 – no influences.

Psychological impact of haircut

: can attract difficulties on the way to the goal.

12 , Saturday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 03:49. ARIES

: acceptable, but if you have normal hair. Avoid thermal haircuts.

Other procedures

: Various hair care treatments at home are acceptable. It is better not to do complex procedures. We also do not recommend using hot styling tools: you can easily dry out your hair.

The effect of cutting on hair

: slow growth.

Psychological impact of haircut

: may cause delays in obtaining information and difficulties in learning.

13 , Sunday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 04:08. ARIES
TAURUS from 21:16
Moon without course from 21:05 to 21:15

A haircut

: acceptable, but it is not the best day of the month. It is better to refuse thermal haircuts.

Other procedures

: It is good to
massage your head
using a suitable hair brush. It's also still a good time for cleansing masks and scalp scrubs. Do not use hot styling tools.

The effect of cutting on hair

: slow growth; until 21:30 – no influences; after 21:30 – strengthening hair, improving its appearance.

Psychological impact of haircut

: can attract troubles, accidents, accidents and various unpleasant news.

14 , Monday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 04:29. TAURUS

: acceptable, but if you are sure of what you want and are confident in your master.

Other procedures

: Today you cannot do any complex procedures, as they may fail.
Better wait for a better day. You can make hair masks based on natural ingredients. It’s good to do different hairstyles and braid hair

The effect of cutting on hair

: average height; strengthening hair, improving its appearance.

Psychological impact of haircut

: May attract anxiety, sad thoughts, fatigue and stress.

Navigation through the lunar calendar of haircuts

Other lunar calendars for May 2020

  • You can look at the detailed general lunar calendar for May 2020 on the page lunar calendar for May 2020
  • You can look at the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for May 2020 on the pageLunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for May 2020
  • Lunar calendar of affairs for May 2020 You can look at the page Lunar calendar of affairs for May 2020
  • Lunar wedding calendar for May 2020 You can look at the page Lunar wedding calendar for May 2020

Lunar calendar of haircuts for the current year, 2020

  • Moon phases, lunar and favorable days for hair cutting for the current month will help you find out the lunar haircut calendar for May 2020
  • A complete review of lunar haircut calendars for the current year is on the page lunar haircut calendar for 2020

The starting point into the world of the lunar calendar and everything about the influence of the Moon on our lives can be found on the “Lunar Calendar” page.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for the previous 6 months

  • Lunar haircut calendar for April 2020
  • Lunar calendar of haircuts for March 2020
  • Lunar calendar of haircuts for February 2020
  • Lunar calendar of haircuts for January 2020
  • Lunar calendar of haircuts for December 2020
  • Lunar haircut calendar for November 2020

Lunar calendar of haircuts for the next 6 months

  • Lunar calendar of haircuts for June 2020
  • Lunar calendar of haircuts for July 2020
  • Lunar calendar of haircuts for August 2020
  • Lunar calendar of haircuts for September 2020
  • Lunar calendar of haircuts for October 2020
  • Lunar haircut calendar for November 2020

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