What to Give a Boyfriend's Mom When We Meet for the First Time

When relationships move to a more serious level, girls have a question - meeting a guy's parents - how to behave? What to wear for such an important event?

What to wear?

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After all, the possibility of your family connection and further mutual understanding with your soulmate directly depends on the impression made on them and the success of this event. Therefore, it is necessary to start building your future together correctly from the very first meeting.

how to properly meet a guy's parents

The first meeting with the family of a loved one is always an important event.

Meeting the guy's parents

How your future relationship will develop depends on your behavior and the image you create. Don't try too hard to please and don't overact.

how the guy's parents will like it

Don't take credit for the positive changes the father and mother noticed in their son's character

If you don’t know what to expect from meeting a guy’s parents and how to behave, follow this simple rule of three “don’ts”:

  • don't interrupt;
  • don't be arrogant;
  • Don't show your negative emotions.

Please note the following points:

  1. Don't focus on yourself. Show interest in the conversation, even if you don't enjoy it. Find out about the hobbies of parents and their son.
  2. Behave modestly. Don't take credit for the positive changes that a father and mother noticed in their son's character after he started dating you.
  3. Clarify how your elders want you to address them. If you missed this opportunity, then it would be correct to use their name and patronymic when addressing them.
  4. If the acquaintance takes place in your apartment, put it in maximum order on the day of the guests’ visit and ask about their food preferences. Prepare food appropriate for the occasion.
  5. Don't talk non-stop and don't rush into your boyfriend with kisses and hugs. It’s better to remain silent if you don’t know what to say, and leave the expression of feelings until the time when you are alone.

First meeting with the guy's parents

Any girl wants to please the father and mother of her future husband. It will be good to find out about their occupation and hobbies in advance. Having common ground will help you understand each other and become related. A minimum set of matching tastes and interests is needed for any close relationship between people.

In order not to fail your first meeting with the guy’s parents, you should prepare properly for this meeting. It would not be amiss to remember the names and patronymics of his family members, some family traditions and, in particular, prohibited topics. Follow one simple rule - listen more and talk less. The most important thing is to behave politely and modestly and then you can be sure that everything will be successful.

meeting a guy's parents, advice from a psychologist

Many girls experience a great sense of fear before such an event.

When choosing clothes and makeup, you should be natural and restrained. There is no need to wear all your best clothes and use bright, provocative colors in cosmetics. You won't be taken seriously. The same applies to showing feelings towards your boyfriend - do not make them demonstrative. This behavior not only contributes to jealousy on the part of his household, but also indicates that you do not know how to control your emotions.

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Leave a negative impression of you and criticism towards your man. For mom and dad, their son is the best, so they will not allow him to speak badly about him in their presence without a good reason.

These are not all possible recommendations on how to meet a guy’s parents. Don't forget that you should look neat and beautiful. Take care of a set of clothes or a delicate dress in advance.

What to wear?

Fashionable clothes on sptovarov.ru


Don't forget that you were invited to visit in the first place, so it would be rude to come empty-handed. Give your mother her favorite flowers or a simple souvenir, small gifts for all family members, bring something with you for tea.

When is it time to schedule a viewing?

Parents of an adult girl tend to worry about where and with whom their beauty spends time, what kind of “types” are hanging around, and whether the foolish child will hastily give his heart to an unworthy suitor. Sometimes mom and dad are more serious than their daughter. It may happen that the potential bride herself is not yet sure whether her new romance will have far-reaching consequences, but her parents are already planning where to order a wedding dress and who to name their first grandchild after. Until you are sure that the feeling that has arisen is serious and for a long time, it is better to hold off on getting acquainted. Save the nerves of your loved ones, and your own too.

You should not rush into a meeting even if your beloved is not eager to meet you. Maybe he's afraid that your parents won't like him. Or maybe he doesn’t consider it necessary to strain for the sake of a girl whom he regards as a temporary friend. Delicately find out the true reason and act according to the circumstances.

If the relationship has strengthened, you and the guy are making joint plans and the young man does not oppose your idea, there is no reason to postpone it further. Gather your courage and set a rendezvous.

What do you need to know before meeting with parents?

The meeting itself with the relatives of the future spouse is a difficult ritual. We need to take into account a number of important points and prepare for it mentally.

meeting a guy's parents how to behave

Perhaps some people should prepare in advance for such a meeting

For this meeting with the guy’s parents, you will need some advice from a psychologist:

  1. Checks and provocations. Your mother may be specifically testing your reaction to topics that concern her, so never give in when she provokes you. Find a compromise and be smarter.
  2. The situation is tense and out of control. Change the topic of conversation or make it a joke. Distract everyone's attention with an interesting story.
  3. Manifestations of rudeness. They are quite rare from older people, so you shouldn’t respond to them with unpleasant reciprocity, but you shouldn’t allow yourself to be denigrated either. Be confident and calm.
  4. Positive perception. Whenever you have a chance to make a good impression about yourself, take it. This is a good opportunity to get closer to your boyfriend's family.
  5. Don't scold your man. This has already been mentioned, and yet refrain from reproaches and insults against him. Even if his parents themselves raised the topic of his shortcomings, do not agree and do not add your observations to their words.
  6. Respect for elders. You are communicating with people who are much older than you and more experienced in life, so show respect and restraint to their point of view.

how to please a girl's parents

Give your mother her favorite flowers or a simple souvenir, small gifts for all family members

Preparing for the meeting

1. Stop dreading the upcoming rendezvous. Your anxiety is completely natural, but you shouldn’t get yourself into a nervous state. After all, you don’t want to appear pale and frightened before your future relatives.

2. Try to find out from your loved one all the significant information about his mother and father. Any information about them will help form their psychological portrait. Ask him about taboo topics in the family that are best not brought up in conversation with them. Thanks to this data, you can direct the conversation in the right direction, while giving yourself the role of an interested listener.

3. When preparing to meet your boyfriend’s loved ones, set yourself up only for positive emotions. There is no need to try to predict something unpleasant. On the contrary, consider that you have taken another step towards a happy future. After all, now you will move into a new phase of the relationship. And there the wedding is just around the corner. Try to think of this as your best prospect.

4. When choosing an outfit for a meeting, remember its appropriateness. It all depends on the place where you are invited. It could be a restaurant, a picnic in nature, but most likely it will be dinner at home. Dress stylishly but modestly so as not to look ridiculous. Getting to know a guy's parents does not tolerate extremes.

5. Don't forget about the smell coming from you. When choosing a perfume, you should take into account that it should be unobtrusive and light. Under no circumstances should you wear aggressive scents.

6. Don't worry about the gift. You should not give expensive perfume or cognac to future relatives. They may consider it cajoling. In this situation, a small cake would be the best option.

What to give as a gift to meet a guy's parents?

Arriving without gifts or hospitality will be at least ugly. But too expensive gifts are also inappropriate for a first meeting. Do not give expensive cognac or perfume - it will look like coaxing, which will ultimately have a negative impact on the first impression of you.

If you still don’t know what to give as a gift to meet your boyfriend’s parents, use the following tips:

  • if there are small children in the family, bring sweets for tea - sweets, chocolate, a sweet gift;
  • do not show initiative - do not bring dishes prepared by yourself if you are not an experienced cook, and especially if you do not know the taste preferences of the people you are visiting;
  • do not buy something that you have not tried or that is unfamiliar to you, there is a high probability of ending up in an uncomfortable position.

first meeting with the guy's parents

It is very difficult to choose a gift for strangers

How do you know if the meeting was a success?

The importance and responsibility of the first acquaintance is absolutely not exaggerated. The girl will be able to feel how successful it was the very next day after this event.

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If the guy’s parents began to invite you to visit, or you are going to invite them to your place, then everything went well. This course of events indicates the seriousness of your couple’s intentions. And after communicating with the family of your future spouse, you will have experience in organizing such an event in order to plan a meeting of your other half with your relatives.

How to introduce? Options

What if you play out a random meeting on the street?

  1. Without further ado, set a date and place. It’s best on a day off, in the afternoon, when everyone has slept, rested and put themselves in order without haste. But don’t choose an hour that’s too late so that your family doesn’t have to be nervous all day waiting for the significant event! Decide together whether to communicate at home or in a restaurant.
  2. Set up a “random” meeting. You asked a guy to help carry a heavy bag into the apartment, and there - well, you have to! — parents returned from the dacha earlier than planned. We went to wander around the park on City Day and on the main alley we ran into mom and dad, who also came out to watch the holiday. It is worth noting that this method should be resorted to only when the man, in principle, does not object to meeting your family. A “sudden” meeting does not require preparation from him, does not make him worry in advance, and does not take place in an official tone. But if until now the young man has categorically refused to pay a visit to your family, such a trick will only add tension. In addition, the man will probably suspect you of deception. By the way, he will be right.
  3. If your beloved does not suffer from excessive shyness, you can take a risk and invite him to a family holiday or picnic and introduce him to the entire private company with second cousins, uncles and friends of friends. Cons: the table will be noisy, crowded, and parents will not be able to calmly meet the young man and get to know him. Pros: thanks to the same crowd, the guy will quickly cease to be the center of attention. Maybe he will even be able to have fun?

Important note: if you decide to stage a casual acquaintance, let it be a surprise only for the guy. You still need to hint to your parents that today you will not return home alone, so as not to catch them at the moment of a family quarrel or hanging wallpaper - unkempt, sweaty and in old tracksuits. But be sure to ask them to play along with you, so that your mother, who did not suspect anything about the guests, does not “completely accidentally” end up setting a table for four, with a roast suckling pig and raspberry pie in the center.

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