What kind of woman does an Aquarius man see next to him?

A man born under the sign of Aquarius

From an astrological point of view, Aquarius is one of the three air signs. The element gives Aquarius a breadth of nature and views, which allows them to penetrate simultaneously into any area that is relevant to them. They easily find a common language with people of any age, status, gender, nationality, religion and profession. They love to be needed and useful. They like to solve other people's problems, look for solutions, analyze, look from the outside, observe.

It is believed that Aquarius is the strangest sign of all known. Therefore, if you are determined to win a man of this sign, then be patient and get ready to drive along serpentine roads at an unknown speed.

How an Aquarius man in love behaves

Women, knowing about the inconstancy of the Aquarius man, often doubt the sincerity of his feelings. Therefore, they are tormented by the thought: “How to determine that a man likes you?” In fact, it is very easy to spot an Aquarius in love. It is enough to observe his behavior.

There are certain signs of how to understand that a man of this sign is in love:

  1. He is ready to change for the sake of his beloved. For example, if his lady love does not like the smell of alcohol, then he will stop drinking altogether.
  2. When falling in love, a man of this sign beautifully looks after a woman. He always strives to make her happy.
  3. He expresses his feelings publicly, without being embarrassed by them.
  4. Aquarius begins to understand that he wants to start a family and talks about it more and more often. He constantly looks at other people’s children and says that it’s time to have his own. However, one should not delude oneself about this. This may remain simple talk.
  5. You can understand that a man of this sign likes you by his behavior. He becomes calm. The irritability inherent in people of this sign disappears. Even close people notice this. This means that Aquarius is truly in love.
  6. The guy starts to look away. This is the main sign that he is in love. In this he resembles a young man from novels who is embarrassed to look into the eyes of his beloved.
  7. He is jealous and shows it. Aquarius is an owner and is not going to share even the attention of his woman with anyone, so when a competitor appears, he becomes aggressive.
  8. He constantly calls and texts. This also indicates that the Aquarius man is in a state of love. He never writes or calls just to chat. For him, the telephone is a means of communicating urgent information. If he uses it for simple communication with the lady of his heart, it means he is in love with her.
  9. If an Aquarius man is in love, then he agrees to compromises. In ordinary life this never happens.
  10. In his imagination, he pictures an idyll and shares these thoughts with his beloved. He says that he will serve her breakfast in bed, that he will take charge of preparing dinner, and at that moment he himself believes it. Only Aquarius forgets about his laziness. Therefore, such promises should not be taken seriously and there is no need to be offended when he does not fulfill them, because at that moment he himself believes in what he says.

As a man of this sign loves, no other man loves, and everything would be fine, if not for one thing - he quickly cools off towards his beloved. If a woman stops surprising him, then he becomes bored. As soon as this happens, he can immediately break off the relationship and go in search of new love.

How to conquer?

An Aquarius man is difficult to win. It’s easier to make him become a conqueror himself. I became interested, studied, developed tactics, waited... Waited again, seized the opportunity and won.

The second option is to be yourself. Aquarius is attracted to women who are both beautiful and smart, moderately sexy, slightly mysterious, cheerful and cheerful. It's enough to be happy and radiate light. Then Aquarius himself will be attracted by the magnet of his own curiosity.

In general, fighting is not about him. Aquarius is more of a peaceful warrior. But be prepared for the fact that at different stages of the relationship his Aquarian nature may manifest itself in negative traits: he is despotic, selfish, freedom-loving and eccentric (at times to the point of madness).

About women...

In many ways, an Aquarius woman is similar to a man of her sign. She is constantly on the move, studying something and communicating simultaneously through all communication channels with hundreds of people. She doesn’t admit it, but she is always in the center of attention of numerous fans.

Like the Aquarius man, what he values ​​most in life is freedom, which makes him seem cold and unapproachable. Positive, charming, erudite, humane, sociable, but at the same time stubborn, categorical and demanding. In relationships with men, she values ​​honesty and unobtrusiveness.


Most of all in life, Aquarians value friendship and friends. For their sake, they are ready to make any sacrifice and will never leave you alone with their troubles.

Expressing deep support, they will be based not so much on emotions, but on real actions and practical help. And if it is necessary to protect the rights of the weak, then they will be the first to defend them.

Representatives of this zodiac sign make friends easily, thanks to their innate abilities:

  • communication skills;
  • ingenuity;
  • ability to attract attention;
  • a good sense of humor;
  • generosity;
  • honesty;
  • devotion;
  • cheerful disposition.

And although they remain slightly detached from the problems of other people and strong internal experiences, communicating with people brings them true pleasure.

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How to return?

Losing a man born under the sign of Aquarius is not difficult, but getting him back is not an easy task. Therefore, in order to avoid getting into the situation of “how to get it back?”, I’ll tell you “how not to lose it.”

The only vital condition for Aquarius is freedom. Freedom of thought, action, choice. You should not try to put him in a cage, tie him down with the obligations of marriage and common children. Let him spend time with friends, do projects, sit in his office for hours, solving problems. There is no need to demand, pressure, rush, experiment or try to offend. Aquarians are very talkative. It is important that they are listened to. If you're not interested, at least pretend.

A man who left you for any reason will no longer experience the same feelings, even if he returns. You will simply live in the same apartment, sometimes meet in the kitchen, he will still love children, but having stopped loving you, he will not love you again.

For non-standard women, he will become an excellent ally with whom you can get rid of prejudices and start a new life. But for those who want to receive an abundance of attention and warmth in marriage, it is better to look for someone more suitable.

Thinking outside the box

Aquarians often perform various experiments, come up with revolutionary ways of performing familiar tasks, reincarnate, change, and may look extravagant and unusual.

This is a freedom-loving sign with a strong inner core; it is difficult to stupefy or make him blush.

The most important thing for such a person remains the truth in its ideal understanding.

And the constant desire for spiritual development, a philosophical view of things and relationships, an incredibly developed mind and innate talents make them brilliant creators of new things, scientists, researchers, artists, etc.

And feeling such strength within themselves, testing any arguments and actions for rationality, Aquarians are able to achieve amazing results. And any criticism from the outside, misunderstanding of others, or even angry remarks will not make them stop.

Such people do not pay attention to the opinions of others and easily break all stereotypes, erase boundaries and rules, because they do not know how to restrain their irrepressible, but such brilliant power.

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The nature of the relationship with an Aquarius man. What to expect?

An important principle in the seduction strategy of Aquarius: you should not “hang yourself” on someone’s neck, follow on their heels and impose themselves. Aquarius is the most independent sign of the zodiac.

In sex, as in any other area, he is inventive and sophisticated, but only if he is interested in it. It happens that Aquarius gets more pleasure from his own erotic fantasies and conversations on spicy topics.

If you are a passionate girl, love experiments and have something to surprise, then surprise and experiment together. Aquarians love this.

Natural restraint, coupled with a tendency to analyze the situation, helps Aquarians guide friends, acquaintances, and casual interlocutors in the right direction. People find a certain charm in their prudence, which helps Aquarius to convince others.

Of course, Aquarians also have negative qualities: it is difficult to convince, persuade and move them if they themselves do not want to. They can be despots in relationships.

An Aquarius man will not try to save a relationship if he has come to the conclusion that it has no future. He'll just leave. Irrevocably.

Source: frauwow.com


These are very well-read people interested in a variety of areas of life. And although it seems that they know everything too superficially, this is enough for a deep and non-standard analysis that occurs in Aquarius’s head.

It is thanks to such diverse views that they can come up with revolutionary and unconventional ideas.

If you start a conversation with a representative of this zodiac sign, you will notice their philosophical approach to many issues.

They are always open to new information, absorb knowledge like a sponge and then give a fresh look at a problem that no one has seen before. This helps them solve any issues and overcome life’s difficulties, whatever they may be.

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How to attract an Aquarius man?

The fact that you want to be with him forever means that you know that your life will never be boring, bland and ordinary. He is a true drama king. And you will have to get used to this if you care about how to behave with an Aquarius man in order to win him over.

There will always be excitement, bustle and the cycle of events around him. You will not be bored; boredom goes against his spiritual beliefs.

You have to accept that he will be absent at times. He loves to look for new sources of information, loves to grow as a person, so he will do anything to avoid wasting time. This means that he will sometimes need solitude. He will never change - you must respect his personal freedom if you want to know how to properly behave with an Aquarius man.


This is especially evident in Aquarius men. Strong representatives of this sign take their work very seriously and will never abandon a project halfway. Errors, shortcomings, and inaccuracies do not suit them.

Every task must be brought to perfection, otherwise it cannot be passed.

And if some idea, work, business could inspire them, then this perfectionism only intensifies.

They will approach such a project with maximum commitment and dedication. And although this sometimes leads to various troubles in the family or illnesses, they do their job in the best possible way.

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Jealousy? No, we haven't heard

You don't mind him talking to all the other girls in the room, do you? He's not testing you at all, it's just his outgoing nature. The Aquarius man loves to make new acquaintances among both men and women. So if you're wondering how to deal with an Aquarius man, accept that you'll have to get used to his many girlfriends. He devotes a lot of time to them - gossiping, giving advice, discussing common interests, but there is no need to be jealous, because for him they are just friends.

Aquarius guy - characteristics in relationships

He can be cold and indifferent, or animated and enthusiastic when his curiosity is aroused. By the way, it won’t be difficult to captivate an Aquarius guy - he is always interested in something new and exciting, new inventions and thoughts.

Aquarians are almost always completely dispassionate about the gray everyday life. The Aquarius guy will talk kindly to everyone, be it a star, a boss, a watchman or a homeless person living in an attic or basement; for him there is no difference between the statuses of people in society.

A distinctive feature of all Aquarius guys is persistent self-affirmation, independent spirituality, and also the ability for unconventional thinking. Almost all people simply cannot understand them, mistaking them for some kind of eccentrics, half-geniuses - half-crazy.


Whatever your ideas about love, be prepared for the fact that they will crack in your relationship with an Aquarius man. At some point, he will introduce you to some aspects of his and other people's lives that may be shocking to you. This could be anything: from a commitment to “free love” to the habit of discussing all problems with ex-lovers. One thing is for sure: if you are wondering how a woman should behave with an Aquarius man, understand that he is not doing this out of malice. Aquarians are generally not prone to deception, intrigue and open aggression. If, with all his provocative oddities, he says that he only wants to be with you, then that’s the way it is.

Having an intimate relationship with him can be like a roller coaster. Literally. The Aquarius man is a true master of the bedroom. How to behave with an Aquarius man? We'll have to adapt to his unbridled temperament. He will constantly experiment with you and want to try everything under the sun. Of course, until some of his desires shock you.

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Strange affair. When a man behaves perfectly, you don’t even think about connecting it with his date of birth. But as soon as he walks into the room with dirty shoes...


Unbending, very aggressive, very impatient. Do you think this is very courageous? I wonder what you will say when he, without any offense and in front of numerous witnesses, tells you that wearing a mini with your legs is at least stupid? And he does this not out of malice, but simply because he despises diplomacy and does not recognize romance and gentlemanly behavior. He also doesn’t like smart women - he feels inferior to them, and feminists - for the same reason.

“He has great energy!” - you will object. What's the point if this energy doesn't bear fruit? He makes a terrible fuss about any of his undertakings, but the goal itself does not interest him. Ideal activity, from his point of view, is all new ways to step on the same rake. After all, he must prove that they will not necessarily hit him on the forehead. The ability to suddenly “burn out” and lose interest in a subject, including you, is another generic sign of Aries.


It's incredibly boring to be with him. The powerful bull's neck does not allow him to raise his head and admire the stars. Taurus is slow-witted and phlegmatic. Some would call this calmness, but it is more like total indifference to the world. But that's not the worst thing. What’s worse is that Taurus likes to accumulate aggression in themselves completely unnoticed by others until that unpredictable moment when the cup overflows and he is ready to trample everything around him. Taurus is terribly jealous, but loyalty in his understanding is obligatory only for women. It's not difficult to marry him. It's harder to come to terms with the fact that he prefers to spend time with friends in a restaurant rather than with you. And with him you can’t insist on your way, wait for gifts (at the same time, you should always look perfect, but not at his expense) and irritate him in any way. Then he will stay with you for the rest of his life. Happiness!


And with a Gemini, you shouldn’t expect anything to stay with you for the rest of your life. He never knows what he wants. Instead of looking for the reason within himself, he accuses the woman of being unable to hold his interest and, leaving to buy bread, returns four days later. All this time his mobile was turned off, and he himself went to one very interesting film premiere in St. Petersburg. The number of his heartfelt hobbies is difficult to calculate. At the same time, he is not very skilled in bed and least of all thinks about pleasing his partner. By the way, if you are driven crazy by his appearance, take comfort: Geminis are incredibly attractive until they are 23 years old. Then they usually go stupid. And his vaunted intellect turns out to be brilliant, but shallow, and even borrowed entirely from popular literature.


Have you ever gone to the bathroom and put on a mask of black clay and seaweed, only to hear a persistent knock on the door and a whining “what are you doing there?” If it wasn’t your three-year-old nephew who did this, then you are living with a Cancer. Does this make you happy? But this also means that he is a terrible owner. Skillfully manipulating, he will force you to abandon your former friends, will do everything to make you leave work (you never know who you will meet there!), and then he will boastfully tell you how much your maintenance costs him. Add to this pathological deceit. Cancer will never admit that he is wrong and will never take the blame. On the contrary, the more guilty he is, the more he looks like an unfairly offended orphan with eyes shining from tears. He really is vulnerable and knows it very well. Therefore, Cancer considers everyone else strong and insensitive and behaves harshly and unceremoniously with them.


“I, I, I!” - Do you hear? This is Leo's welcome cry. Are you captivated by his style of courtship? Do you know why he needs you? To serve as his main decoration, so that he can say to everyone: “This is my prey!” He needs a beautiful slave, a shadow who will highlight his advantages and hide his shortcomings. However, he is sincerely convinced that he does not and never has had any shortcomings, problems or complexes. And everyone who has them is weaklings and losers. At the same time, he simply will not tolerate another strong personality next to him. And he will make every effort to convince you of his superiority. He demands constant passions from you, but he himself is only able to accept them, without giving anything in return emotionally. And one more unpleasant nuance. His woman should be young and beautiful, even if he himself is over fifty. If the wife does not know the secret of eternal youth, so much the worse for her, he will find another one.


If you need to characterize Virgo with only one word, it would be “cold.” These are, as a rule, rational creatures. Virgos are usually not capable of experiencing deep feelings themselves. Therefore, they are unable to understand the manifestations of feelings in other people and consider this a weakness. Virgo is the most unsexual sign. Instead of healthy sensual joys, he may well suggest that the two of you wash the floors, windows and walls every day, catch harmful bacteria, adhere to a healthy soy diet and do yoga (with a complete refusal of sex to preserve Qi energy). There are, of course, exceptions who seem to make up for lost time for all Virgos, but with playboy Virgos it is by no means easier, and even much more difficult. After all, any Virgo will constantly make comments to you, teach you and correct you. At the same time, any of your attempts to express even timid dissatisfaction will be branded as illegal aggression. In a word, the Virgo man is boring, suspicious and at the same time incredibly vain, even more than Leo, because Virgo accumulates vanity inside. Add to this frugality and asceticism in habits and lifestyle, which he naturally considers necessary for you.


Romantic, gentleman, diplomat... Well, what can you blame him for? Firstly, he does not show persistence, does not conquer anyone, but simply says “yes” to the woman who was able to instill in him the idea that she is his ideal. The Libra man hates conflict. So much so that in order to preserve peace, he will renounce any of his words and beliefs. His dream is to find an option in which everything will be fine. Hand on heart, do you believe that this is possible? He never wants to upset anyone and doesn’t like to refuse anyone. Some call it soft-heartedness, and others call it philandering. Most of all he loves his peace. No PMS, no dead-line at work can justify you if you destroy the crystal palace in which he lives with a harsh word or complaint. This man is so refined that others will constantly overtake him. It doesn't seem to bother him much. And you?


He himself had repeatedly heard that he was full of magnetism and acted on women like a drug, causing ecstasy, addiction and withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, when faced with Scorpio, be prepared for the fact that a performance will constantly be played out in front of you. Who does he think he is? Count of Monte Cristo? Casanova? Mephistopheles? Alas, the truth about Scorpios looks different. They have monstrous pride, which they use to mask their total lack of self-confidence. They diligently create an image of loners, because they are sure that other people simply will not want to communicate with them and will reject them. They often pretend to be jaded cynics and skeptics, because the world around them frightens them with its apparent complexity and mystery. In short, Scorpio is a “difficult” 13-year-old teenager, regardless of his year of birth. He is selfish, hysterical and... is uninteresting once you understand what exactly is hidden under the black cloak and Zorro mask.


An optimist and a cheerful fellow, he will swirl you in a whirlwind of various new projects and fantasies. It will take you some time to notice that almost all of his brilliant ideas are lying around like iridescent fragments, unfulfilled and completely of no interest to anyone. Sagittarius is one of the lightest and most airy signs. He almost never takes anyone or anything seriously. At the same time, he is absolutely sincere. And then, when he invites you to spend the night together after half an hour of acquaintance, and on the same day, when on the phone he touchingly and caringly asks you not to worry and go to bed - he will come, most likely, the day after tomorrow. He simply loves to waste time and energy in vain. True, if life with you solves his numerous and constant material problems and he does not need to worry about his daily bread at all (and this tires him so much!), he will probably not stay long...


Stubbornness personified. Plus, Capricorn makes sure that his feelings are not noticeable to anyone, especially you. It's about tender feelings. Capricorn loves and knows how to demonstrate hostility. He is a practitioner and a pragmatist. His favorite habitat is a faceless crowd, and he spends his prudence and logic on looking even grayer, even more inconspicuous. Capricorn carefully protects his personal space and the right to be alone when he wants it. But at the same time, he carefully monitors your attitude towards him. And if he sees neglect in anything, he will immediately begin to build a wall to fence himself off from you forever. It is almost impossible to bring him into a frank conversation, to make a breach in the exclusion zone with a surge of emotions. It is not surprising that with such an attitude towards life, Capricorns often fall into depression, suffer from it themselves and torment their loved ones. Not funny? So what to do?


He is an individualist and a madman. Perhaps in a hundred years he will be recognized as a great man, but you are living with him here and now! And although no one considers him great yet, your Aquarius has all the habits of a genius. He will demand your unconditional submission and worship. Too often you will have to choose between your own opinion and the desire to be with him. After all, knowing that he is important to you, Aquarius will not stop at blackmail, just to be sure of your unconditional submission. At the same time, his freedom is a non-discussable and inviolable thing. And his way of flying into a rage over trifles? Moreover, unlike Taurus, for whom this trifle is just a reason to release accumulated resentment, for Aquarius it is the reason. Aquarians, as a rule, rarely get married. But after the above, you must agree, maybe it’s for the better.


Women love to be friends with Pisces men. They understand them perfectly. These are men whose characters are dominated by traditionally feminine traits: emotionality, sensitivity and, alas, imbalance and awareness of their own weakness. For the same reason, a Pisces man is unlikely to become a reliable support and a “true man” in your life. He is constantly thrown from transcendental sweet illusions to bitter disappointments and back to heaven. His naivety may be impressive at first, until it turns out that thanks to this quality, he gave his entire salary to people with the code name “we ourselves are not local,” so now it’s time to walk along the subway cars with a mournful song. In short, the Pisces man is very good if you finally want to understand why men constantly complain about women’s character.

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in a word, time constantly loves this, thinks Virgo Capricorn women no one


More compliments

He loves to be loved. Loves to be needed. But he hates being needed. He wants you to love and be amazed by him, to admire the uniqueness of his personality. They loved him for what he could do, his intelligence, his vocabulary, or how talented he was with the guitar - basically, for everything.

An Aquarius man always strives to improve himself in any way. He wants his talents to be recognized by others. So that you love him for who he is and who he becomes every day of his life. He would like to be loved every new day more than the previous one, simply because today he is much better than yesterday. Passion for self-improvement is an important character trait to consider if you want to know how to behave with an Aquarius man.

Sincerity and politeness are the keys to success

It is very difficult for him to understand and come to terms with the fact that his actions can cause harm to you. He can't handle that kind of pressure. You may laugh at this trait of his. Aquarius is one of the most straightforward and simple-minded signs of the zodiac, and therefore requires a sincere attitude.

Fake kindness can make him very happy at first, until he senses a catch. He wants you to be real, with all your flaws, strengths and weaknesses. He wants to know everything about you and be fascinated by you just as much as you are fascinated by him. Honesty is the best strategy for someone who wants to know how to behave with an Aquarius man to make him fall in love.

What kind of women do men of this sign like?

What kind of women Aquarius men like is a question that worries many ladies who want to capture the attention of the stronger sex of this sign. This zodiac sign values ​​the inner world rather than appearance, but he loves a woman to take care of herself and enjoy sports. Overweight ladies are unlikely to interest him.

Aquarians love women who are extravagant, but not lacking in taste. They themselves are extraordinary individuals and the people they spend time with should be the same. Aquarians are unlikely to pay attention to a simpleton whose clothing style does not stand out from the crowd.

What kind of women do Aquarius men like in terms of character? First of all, they value sincerity. If a lady’s behavior is feigned, a man of this sign will never pay attention to her, and will even avoid her.

What kind of woman does an Aquarius man need in order for them to have a serious relationship? He needs a woman of mystery. The unsolved mystery is what attracts him. He must always pursue a woman, even after he has become possessive of her. She must make him feel that she is not his property, but at the same time not allow him to flirt with other men, because this can cause Aquarius’ uncontrollable rage and disappointment.

As soon as a man of this sign understands that the lady of his heart has unconditionally fallen in love with him, he can cool off towards her. A woman’s behavior should always be different: sometimes tender and affectionate, sometimes unapproachable, sometimes cold.

A man should always be surprised. He should not be bored with a woman and then a serious relationship will be possible.

Aquarius can rarely say with certainty what kind of women he likes, but he knows one thing for sure - he does not like women who strive to dominate and limit his freedom. As soon as he feels that something is threatening his male independence, he will immediately stop all contacts.

Aquarius does not like hysterical women. As soon as she starts constantly asking “Do you like me?”, “Aren’t you bored with me?” and the like, the man will begin to be annoyed by this and nothing good will end for the woman.

So what kind of girls do Aquarius like in the end? A girl should be sincere, friendly, independent, well-groomed and extravagant. Aquarius should find it interesting to spend time with her. She must constantly surprise him and not let him get bored. Then he will do everything to make his woman happy.

Aquarians create their own reality

As long as he is with you, he will fiercely guard your privacy through his own efforts. But if something happens and he feels guilty, realizes that he deserves revenge, he will step over himself and ask for forgiveness.

People of the Aquarius sign can sometimes exhibit some traits that are, by all accounts, feminine. If an Aquarius man feels betrayed by you, he may use his unbridled creative nature to cause a huge scandal and ruin your reputation. That’s why Aquarians often have a sad reputation for being hysterical and provocateurs.

Proceed delicately!

In his book Everyday Astrology, Gary Goldschneider writes that quite a lot of research on the behavior of Aquarians reveals their general tendency towards scandalous, shocking behavior and increased vulnerability. Goldschneider also adds that after a while, if you realize the unpredictability and temper of their character, but try to take control of any difficult situation that you find yourself in with Aquarius, your attempts will become like trying to close the pores of a sieve.

Aquarius's motto in life is: "Accept me as I am." He rebels against those who would tame or correct him. Many girls wonder: how to behave with an Aquarius man so that he is attracted to me? There may be a great many opinions on this matter, but the general recommendation is as follows: be delicate, sincere and friendly, and then the heart of an Aquarius man will be yours forever!

Aquarius men: what are they like?

He is one of those men who are radically different from everyone else. Adventurous by default, so he is often bored, he requires constant walks, new and exciting experiences, great discoveries and insights.

He is not a home person. He doesn't waste any time. He knows that he only has 80 to 100 years to experience all that life has to offer before the fateful hour of death arrives.

The Aquarius man is also very aware that he is special. He lives with this knowledge every day.

He is the chosen one of the water and air elements at the same time. This causes him to be fickle and deprives him of the ability to become attached to one person.

Aquarius man. Characteristics and love

Category: Aquarius The Aquarius man at first glance gives the impression of a person “not of this world”; he is constantly surrounded by a dreamy aura, busy with his fantasies and daydreams, it seems that he is absolutely not paying attention to what is happening around him.

However, he does not hide in his shell, on the contrary, he is always looking for those with whom he can talk and share experiences, because the goal of his life is to discover something new.

He strives to learn as much as possible about the world; he is attracted to everything unusual and mysterious. Such a person is happy to start new relationships.

This man is always filled with original ideas, tries to use non-standard and original moves everywhere, for example, in making money or doing housework. He always knows how to do better and does not forget to talk about it everywhere.

He is not very interested in making money and has no passion for saving, but he needs it to feel free. This man loves communication and the social status of other people means nothing to him.

It aims at the beauty of a person’s soul, mind and conscience. Boredom and routine can lead him to lose interest in everything, even personal relationships. He is always trying to reinvent his wheel, so his ideas are sometimes too utopian and unrealistic. The Aquarius man easily makes friends with representatives of the opposite sex; he attracts them with his kindness, flexibility and openness of character.

He does not like competition from other men when courting someone and always gives in to more persistent men. Even under the influence of strong feelings, he tries not to lose his mind.

If a relationship becomes a routine, then he loses all interest in it and goes in search of new adventures. Such a man is afraid of excessive attachment to a woman, because this threatens his freedom. He needs a partner who will give him personal space and some freedom, and then he will never part with her.

All articles by sign

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  1. Snake-Aquarius:

    07/16/2017 at 17:36

    Most things are true


  2. Asya:

    07/11/2016 at 20:35

    Everything is not true


  3. Aquarius Vova:

    07/08/2016 at 02:52

    the one who uses us may turn yellow, I swear


  4. Anonymous:

    07/08/2016 at 02:45

    you are wrong vadoley


  5. Aquarius:

    09.26.2015 at 20:46

    baabnik and blabbermouth? Even though I'm an Aquarius, I'm not very angry. And yes, I’m not married, and I don’t have a girlfriend either, since I got burned once, that’s enough for me for the rest of my life.


  6. wife:

    03/12/2015 at 20:02

    Aquarius' sociability? FUNNY! A blabbermouth, a liar and a braggart, he passes off what he wants as reality. He takes incredible pleasure in fooling people! A very envious and vindictive, jealous and vindictive SIGN! It’s not for nothing that the songs “… Aquarius, have pity on me!” were written about him!


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Independent spirit

The lonely air sign of Aquarius is a free wanderer with a keen sense of his own uniqueness. He will treat you like a friend at first, so be sure you enjoy his company. You will have to be patient (and sweat) for him to begin to consider you something more.

So how to win his heart? Be interesting, active, engage in self-education and self-improvement. Let Aquarius be who he is in your company. Don't get too emotional or obsessive.

Get involved in something interesting and unusual and develop your own talents, and then share the fruits of your own creative research with Aquarius.

Avoid talking about loyalty and moral duty, as this makes him feel like everyone else. The more you try to hold him back, the more skillfully he will run away from you.

Get used to the fact that you will have to completely dissolve in his world - the world of ideas, creativity and an original approach to life.

Relationship with an Aquarius man

If you love only him, then do not expect that he will also love only you. No matter how long he is with you, enjoy it and live for today. For an Aquarius man, there are no such categories as “yesterday” or “tomorrow”.

You must be a strong, dynamic, independent and self-sufficient person. The best way to keep an Aquarius man is to act as if you want him, love him, but don't need him, and moreover, are ready to let him go at any moment. Strong-willed pressure and excessive passion can scare him away.

Not only should you immediately love him, but you should also point out his little flaws and laugh at them with him. He is a bareback unicorn, racing across his rainbow towards happiness. Don't let him go and keep him close to you, but don't go too far.

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