How to get rid of grease smell on clothes. How to get rid of fish smell on clothes

I think it’s no secret to anyone that almost all the fabric from which our clothes are made has a porous structure that easily absorbs various aromas. Various odors, including unwanted ones, penetrate the fabric fibers and remain there for a long time. Therefore, it often happens that your favorite blouse or T-shirt becomes saturated with the smell of food, tobacco, mold or sweat, which does not disappear on its own.

To help cope with this problem, we will look at how to quickly and efficiently remove odor from clothes without ruining them.

How to remove unpleasant odors from clothes

One of the most effective ways to remove odor from clothes is to wash them. But it happens that it is not possible to wash it off using conventional means. Moreover, if outerwear has acquired the smell, it is very difficult to wash such things, and often impossible, for example, if it has acquired a leather coat or a suede jacket. But there are several tricks with which you can get rid of persistent unpleasant odors from such clothes and more. It is only important to choose the right product depending on the material from which the item is made and the smell it has acquired.

The smell of sweat

Despite the fact that it is mainly purchased by items that are easy to wash, it is not so easy to remove the persistent smell of sweat. For some people, especially during illness, sweat acquires such a persistent unpleasant odor that soap and washing powder alone are not enough. It can be removed from clothes using ordinary soda. A little water is added to the soda, enough to form a white paste, which is applied to clothes in places where the smell emanates. Leave for a couple of hours and then wash as usual. And crushed aspirin (salicylic acid) or a solution of boric acid also removes odor very effectively.

The smell of a second hand store

Those who have ever purchased items at a second-hand store or visited such a clothing store know that all second-hand clothes have a characteristic smell that is not easy to wash, but it is quite possible to overcome it; for this you will need 20 grams of ammonia per 5 liters of water. Things are soaked for 1 hour, then washed in the usual way. After 2-3 such washings and soakings, the smell disappears.

After washing

It happens that after washing, things acquire an unpleasant odor. This happens if things are soaked for a long time or they take a long time to dry. Usually it is acquired by heavy suits, terry robes, coats, blankets, etc. To get rid of it you need to:

  1. Dry things properly.
  2. Wash with powder without soaking!
  3. Rinse thoroughly and wring out.
  4. Hang on the balcony or in a well-heated room.
  5. If the item does not dry for more than two days, it should be dried with a warm iron or hairdryer.

Chinese clothes

Clothing from China, especially if it came directly from China by mail, often has an unpleasant smell of chemicals: acetone, gasoline, kerosene, etc. Since sending it back is more expensive, and it’s a pity to throw it away, especially since it often happens if you don’t take care of it. Please note that there is an odor, the item has no flaws. You can save the item by soaking it in water with the addition of ammonia or vinegar for 2–3 hours, then wash the clothes. If these are leather or suede items, then instead of soaking, wipe the items with a cloth moistened with an aqueous solution of ammonia or alcohol.

Musty and cigarette smell

The smell of cigarettes is one of the most unpleasant and corrosive odors. Usually it is purchased by a jacket or coat of a heavy smoker. If someone smokes at home or at work, the smell can transfer from the smoker's jacket to your coat. To get rid of such a scourge, you just need to vacuum the thing. If after this the smell still remains, then you can wipe it with a cloth soaked in ammonia or alcohol. You can use alcohol-based cologne or perfume.

Smell of a dresser or closet

An old chest of drawers or closet can give off an unpleasant woody smell to the clothes stored in it. You can get rid of it only by changing the atmosphere inside the chest of drawers. First you need to lay out all the furniture, and wash the shelves and drawers of the closet or chest of drawers with potassium permanganate, and then treat them with alcohol and dry them. Place a piece of scented soap or a bag of lavender on the shelves or in each drawer. Instead of a bag, you can use flavoring tablets and after a day put all the things back. After a few days, all the clothes in the closet will acquire a pleasant smell, and the unpleasant one will disappear.

How to get rid of mold smell on clothes

The smell of mold appears when an item is left in a damp state for a long time or in a damp, cold place. You cannot wash such items right away, as mold and moisture make them less durable and may tear. To get rid of the smell of mold on clothes, you must perform the following steps in the order given:

  1. to kill mold, dry the wet item;
  2. wash in soapy water;
  3. rinse without adding conditioner (it softens the already fragile fabric), instead you can add 1-2 teaspoons of turpentine or vinegar;
  4. squeeze out;
  5. dry.

What if clothes cannot be washed?

There are many materials for which washing is contraindicated - leather, fur, suede, especially delicate fabrics. It is not recommended to wash items decorated with feathers, rhinestones and embroidery. Such products require dry cleaning, but there are ways to get rid of the tobacco smell that has permeated them at home without washing.

Ventilating products and using a vacuum cleaner

An item that smells of tobacco can be hung on a balcony or street and left there overnight or for a day. This will help remove the smell from clothes, including outerwear - a coat or down jacket. In frosty and windy weather, the effectiveness of the procedure is higher. It is better not to leave products in direct sunlight. To get rid of some of the accumulated resins, before hanging, you can sprinkle the item with talcum powder or starch, leave for half an hour, then shake off.

Steam treatment and ozone generator

Treatment with a steamer does not always solve the problem. Moreover, after it the smell may even intensify. Another method is more effective: add a glass of vinegar to a pan of water and heat until steam forms. If it is not possible to hang the item over a boiling container, place it in the bathtub and hang the item over it. Steam cleaning is not recommended for silk, wool and leather clothing.

Ozone generators are very effective in combating unpleasant odors. This gas penetrates the structure of materials, interacts with compounds that cause odors, oxidizes and neutralizes them. There should be no people or animals in the room during treatment; ventilation is necessary after treatment.

Anti-odor scents (perfumes, orange peels, etc.)

Using aromatics will not help remove the smell, but will mask it. Any fragrance will not work: light floral perfumes will not cover the smell, the use of sweet, fruity scents can lead to unpredictable results. Only intense perfumes containing tobacco, woody, coffee, and earthy notes can kill the smoke. Many perfume manufacturers offer aromas that, when combined with the smell of tobacco, transform it.

You can mask the smell of cigarettes in the following ways:

  • Coffee beans. They are placed in a hermetically sealed bag along with the scented product and left for as long as time allows.
  • Orange peels or mint leaves. They are placed in a closet where an item saturated with the smell of tobacco smoke hangs.
  • Essential oils with pine or citrus scents. A few drops are applied to a cotton pad and placed in a closet.

If you want it done well, do it yourself

Perhaps you sat with a friend in a cafe and now your shirt smells of every food smell you can think of, but washing is not yet in sight. Today we’ll tell you how to freshen clothes without washing.


What absorbs odor better than paper? Roll up sheets of newspaper and place them in the armpits of your shirt, pants, or shoes and leave them overnight.


Hang your item in the shower while you wash and the steam from the hot water will not only smooth out wrinkles on your clothes, causing the fibers to soften, but also remove unpleasant odors.

Filler for cat litter boxes.

Sometimes when you take your clothes out of the closet for the new season, they smell musty. Here's how to get rid of odor with cat litter: Keep an open box of cat litter in your closet to catch the odor and moisture around it. For a more localized effect, place the item in a ziplock bag filled with filler.

Fresh air and sunshine.

Nothing removes odor from clothes like fresh air. Hang the item on the balcony or near an open window for an hour or so. And sunlight will deal with bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor. This technique is also good for drying shoes.

Recommendations on how to prevent odors from appearing on clothes

To prevent the appearance of odors, it is necessary to wash and store items correctly. To prevent things from acquiring an unpleasant, persistent odor, you need to:

  • Keep dirty clothes separate from clean ones.
  • Things must be dry. It is unacceptable to put wet things in the closet, as moisture leads to the appearance of mold on the clothes and a characteristic smell of dampness, which also transfers to the walls inside the closet. Subsequently, the smell will be acquired by any objects that you put there, and not just clothes.
  • To prevent things from acquiring an unpleasant odor, place pieces of soap or bags of lavender or mint on the shelves with clothes. They will absorb an unpleasant smell and give it a pleasant one.
  • Keep items in a locked closet or drawer.

Usually, after hard work or grueling sports training, T-shirts and shirts become covered with yellow spots, so the question of how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes under the arms is very important for caring housewives. Minor stains can be removed using conventional methods, but the unpleasant odor will remain. This is explained by the composition of sweat, which contains fatty acids and protein compounds that penetrate deep into the tissue.

How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes under the arms

Washing rules

To get rid of the unpleasant smell of fish, clothes must be washed, after removing greasy stains with a special pencil (such as “Udalix”). Perhaps this will be enough.

Before washing, greasy stains are generously sprinkled with potato starch or salt to degrease the fabric, remove excess fat, and treated with stain removers. It is necessary to wash at the maximum temperature allowed for a particular fabric, using lemon-scented powder. Before washing, please read the product care instructions! Double rinsing is an additional plus to machine washing in the fight to keep clothes fresh. If the goal was not achieved the first time, it is worth repeating the procedure.

Laundry Specialist

Many childhood memories are associated with the not-so-tasty “delicacy” that their parents forced them to drink – fish oil. Parents, concerned about the health of their children, voluntarily forced them to drink this thick liquid. The idea was good - to strengthen the immune system and create conditions for the young body to develop correctly. Our mothers and grandmothers were right about this. Also, the use of a natural product helps to normalize metabolic processes, reduce the layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue, remove cholesterol from the blood, and remove harmful substances. Having all these advantages, the liquid is quite difficult to wash off from clothes. Today we will talk about how to remove fish oil, and we will touch on the topic of other “fishy” stains.

Where does sweat on clothes come from?

Sweat itself has almost no odor, since in a healthy person it consists of 99% water and only in small quantities contains waste and toxins that are removed from the body. The smell appears as a result of the activity of microorganisms accumulating in problem areas. The best environment for bacteria to thrive is a moist and warm place, such as the armpit area. Microbes feed on sweat particles and leave traces of their activity on the skin, causing a disgusting body odor.

  • Frequent stress, anxiety, and nervous breakdowns can increase sweating, and along with it the smell. Often, heavy sweating can be a sign of a serious infectious disease, such as tuberculosis.
  • In order not to suffer from profuse sweating and a terrible smell, you need to be careful about your diet: do not consume large quantities of coffee, hot and spicy foods, and do not abuse alcohol.
  • In women, bouts of sweating may be associated with changes in the body's hormonal levels during menopause or the menstrual period. Teenagers sweat a lot during puberty.
  • The state of increased sweating is typical for patients with hypertension, with decreased immunity and weakness of the body.
  • In addition, many medications affect the composition of the blood and can cause profuse sweating.

To reduce sweating and not always wonder how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes, you need to establish the cause of the pathological condition and take appropriate measures.

Washing modes

In many cases, ordinary powder can remove odor from clothes. Just select the appropriate mode. Determine the maximum permissible temperature for the item, the admissibility of soaking or the use of additional chemicals. products such as bleaches. Knowing the maximum capabilities of the material, set them in the machine settings in order to better remove the unpleasant odor.

A unique connection. Soda is much more often used for cleaning and washing than in the kitchen when preparing food, and for good reason. It is able to loosen and break down greasy stains and already stagnant dirt. In dry form, it perfectly adsorbs most odors and liquids, including fats, juices, burning and smoke residues.

For soaking, prepare a thick soda solution. To do this, pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan and bring it on the stove to 70-80 oC, then add soda in portions with constant stirring until it is completely dissolved. After this, fill the clothes.

In dry form, the powder is poured on top of a wet spot; if it comes to old dirt, then it should be pre-wetted and only then covered with soda. The effect should be expected in at least half an hour.

The best ways to rid clothes of sweat odor

Sweat stains are characterized by the fact that the contamination penetrates firmly and permanently into the structure of the material, so getting rid of the bad odor is very difficult. It is because of this that the material in the armpit area wears out faster than in other areas of clothing. Some people, wondering how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes, try to drown it out by spraying deodorant or perfume on the dirty area. This makes the “aroma” emitted by the product even more disgusting.

The easiest way to remove the smell of sweat from clothes is regular washing, manual or machine. When dealing with problematic stains, certain rules should be followed to ensure that the product is as clean as possible.

  • Before washing, you must carefully study the manufacturer’s information about the possible treatment of clothing, namely the permissible water temperature, mode, possibility of spinning and the use of bleach.
  • Fresh stains are removed much better than old ones. Therefore, when you come home, you need to immediately wash your sweaty T-shirt.
  • If the item will be machine washed, you must first soak it in a separate container for half an hour so that the smell does not transfer to other clothes.
  • The concentration of the powder and the washing mode should be set to the maximum, if the texture of the product allows it.
  • After washing is completed, clothes with problematic stains can be rinsed in a solution of vinegar or ammonia.
  • It is better to dry clothes on the open veranda.

Unfortunately, regular washing does not always remove the smell of sweat from clothes and requires additional cleaning measures. Here are some simple ways.

Different products for different types of clothing

To remove fishy smell from clothes, you need to get down to business immediately after it appears.

If your T-shirt or trousers are dirty, just soak them in a soapy solution with lemon juice. Citrus fruits are excellent at neutralizing odors on fabrics. Then the items are washed as usual with fabric softener.

Before washing, kitchen aprons and towels are soaked in a solution of 5 liters of warm water and 2 tablespoons of table vinegar.

You should not try to remove the smell of fish oil from outerwear yourself. It is not recommended to wash a jacket or coat if such a problem occurs. The smell can spread over the entire surface and penetrate into the filler. In order not to spoil the item, it is recommended to immediately contact dry cleaning specialists.

Table salt

Regular table salt in combination with various substances will quickly cope with stains from sweat. If you need to clean items made from linen, wool or silk, you need to make a saline solution. For this, 1 tbsp. l. table salt is diluted in 1 tbsp. water and gently rub into the cloth on the dirty area. If the product is made of dense material, the salt concentration can be doubled.

Salt in combination with ammonia is suitable for getting rid of stains on white clothes. In this case, add 1 tsp to the saline solution. ammonia.

When machine washing, in order to destroy the unpleasant “aroma” from your favorite products, you can add 3 tbsp. l. salt into the compartment where the washing powder is poured.

Secrets of a refreshing wash

Since it is not always easy to remove the strong smell of sweat from clothes, especially under the arms, the item must first be soaked in vinegar . Pour 200 ml of vinegar into a bowl of water, soak the clothes and leave for 8 hours. You can add salt, soda, and citric acid to the soaking water.

Contaminated areas should be additionally rubbed with laundry soap and left for 1 hour. Some of the products described can also be used when washing in an automatic machine. If things stink after sweat, add 200 ml of table vinegar or 100-150 g of baking soda directly into the drum. The dose of detergent should be increased by at least a third.

A simple shampoo or dishwashing gel will help remove characteristic stains and odors from a T-shirt or T-shirt. It should be applied to problem areas before washing in the machine.

It is possible to remove unpleasant aroma from a shirt made of natural fabric using salt. 2-3 tbsp. l. add directly to washing powder or pre-treat problem areas with a solution of 1 tbsp. l. salt and 1 glass of water. For thick clothes, it is recommended to double the amount of salt. A mixture of salt and ammonia is added to the powder when washing white items.

Sweat is easily washed off from synthetic fabrics using a mixture of 1 tbsp. vinegar, 2 tsp. hydrogen peroxide and 2 tsp. soda, which is added to the soaking water. Vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice or citric acid solution. Also, synthetic fabrics can be cleaned well after soaking in ammonia. You need 1 pharmacy bottle of product for 1 bucket of water.

When processing items with an unpleasant scent, you should use a scented product directly for washing and rinsing.

To wash sportswear, you can use oxygen stain removers or special products that are sold in sports stores. In this case, you should not use bleach and conditioner. They can damage the functional characteristics of the fabric.

If washing doesn't help

If after washing the unpleasant odor is still present, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, use a weak pink solution of the substance, in which a piece of cloth is moistened and problem areas are wiped. Clothes are left for 30 minutes and then washed in the manner permitted on the label.

The ingrained smell of sweat can be eliminated by washing the items several times with a pre-wash and an additional rinse function. For colored items, an oxygen stain remover is added to the laundry detergent; for white items, bleach is added. It is allowed to use various fabric softeners.

To remove unpleasant-smelling stains on clothing, use an aspirin solution. 3 tablets are crushed and diluted in 1 glass of water, and then the stains are treated.


When deciding how to eliminate a disgusting smell from your favorite things, do not forget about citric and acetic acid, which usually no housewife can do without. Just wipe a fresh stain with a slice of lemon and rinse in cool water.

To eliminate old contamination, you need 1 tsp. Dilute citric or acetic acid in 1 glass of water and soak the stain with this solution. If the desired result was not obtained the first time, the process should be repeated.

When washing clothes with sweat stains in the machine, you can pour half a glass of tea soda directly into the drum and add 1 glass of diluted vinegar.

In order to eliminate bad odors, you can use boric acid. Before washing, you need to dissolve 100 g of boric acid powder in 2 liters of water and dip the product in this solution. After a few minutes, the item should be rinsed and dried in fresh air.

Review of popular tools

Of the mentioned products that can remove the smell of fish from clothes, most can be found in every kitchen and refrigerator.

MeansMode of application
LemonRub the juice of the fruit onto greasy stains, add the juice to the conditioner compartment in the automatic machine, and mix with the powder.
Lemon acidIn a solution of citric acid, rinse spoiled items by hand and pour them into the rinse aid compartment of the washing machine.
VinegarClothes are rinsed and soaked in vinegar. Solution concentration: 2 tbsp. spoons of substance per 4 liters. water. Vinegar neutralizes any smell, even rotten fishy smell.
Lemon scented dishwashing liquidIt is recommended to use a product with lemon flavor. Dilute the liquid in hot water, lubricate the stain and soak for 2-3 hours. Items cannot be washed in a washing machine! Only by hand!
Laundry soapThe darker the soap, the more alkali it contains, the more effectively it removes fish odor from clothes. Lather the stain, prepare a thick soap solution by mixing soap shavings into water, and soak the clothes for 2 hours. Washing and rinsing are allowed in a washing machine, with the addition of citric acid as a flavoring agent.
Ascorbic acidThe acid is ideal for conditioning clothes. Add the solution to the rinse aid compartment in the washing machine.
BleachBleach, whitening, and chlorine-containing products are not suitable for delicate and colored fabrics, but they do an excellent job of removing odors. The fabric will smell of chlorine; ascorbic or citric acid is used as a conditioner.
Washing powderPowder with a lemon scent in combination with a deodorizing rinse, citric or ascorbic acid instead will help deal with fish odor.
AmmoniaAlcohol, water and vinegar in equal parts are an effective remedy against any stench. Soak clothes in the solution for 2 hours, then wash and rinse thoroughly.
Hydrogen peroxidePeroxide does an excellent job of disinfecting woven materials. It can be used by applying it to a scented stain in concentrated form or in an aqueous solution for soaking. Not recommended for use on colored fabrics.

Potassium permangantsovka

Potassium permanganate must be dissolved in a small amount of liquid to form a strong solution. Use a napkin soaked in potassium permanganate to treat problem areas of clothing and wash after 20 minutes using regular detergents.

If you can’t deal with sweat stains with improvised means, you can find effective drugs in stores. The latest developments in modern chemistry remove contaminants at the molecular level, while completely preserving the texture and color of the material.

How to choose the best method depending on the type of fabric

The easiest way to get rid of the smell of fish on clothes is if they are made of white cotton or linen. These materials can be cleaned using chlorine bleach. Chlorine effectively eliminates any unpleasant odors, including fishy ones. An item washed with bleach must be rinsed several times and dried in fresh air.

Clothes treated with chlorine will have a specific odor for some time, which will go away after several washes.

For colored and thin white fabrics, it is better to use oxygen bleaches. They fight odor by gently acting on the fibers without destroying the dye.

Items made of wool and silk are difficult to remove from the smell of fish. Delicate fabrics must not be treated with aggressive substances. Under the influence of various bleaching agents, such material becomes deformed and loses its attractiveness.

Use a saline solution to clean delicate fabrics. It is able to remove the smell of fish from clothes without damaging the fibers of the fabric. To prepare the composition, you need to take warm water and dissolve table salt in it at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon for 200 ml.

How to eliminate sweat odor without washing

Situations often arise when it is not possible to wash clothes. You can remove sweat stains and disgusting odors without washing. Here are some tips.

  1. In a glass of water you need to combine 1 tbsp. l. salt and 1 tsp. ammonia and treat problem areas with this mixture.
  2. Pour vodka over the stain, set the item aside for 2 hours, then dry with an iron.
  3. Everyone knows that the smell disappears well in the cold. If no other means of cleaning are available, you can freeze the item: take it outside in winter, and put it in the freezer in summer.
  4. Baking soda should be poured onto problem areas and the product should be left in this state overnight, and the remaining powder should be shaken off the next day.
  5. Pour some water into an open container and add a spoonful of vinegar. While boiling, keep the product on steam.
  6. Use a cotton swab dipped in acetic acid to treat the stains and dry.
  7. Make a mixture of 2 tbsp. l. water, 2 tbsp. l. ammonia and 1/2 tbsp. l. salt. Apply the prepared product to the stain, thoroughly rubbing into the fabric. Then blot with a damp sponge.


Secrets of experienced housewives will help you quickly solve the problem of unpleasant musty smell on clothes:

  1. Keeping coffee beans in an open container on the bottom shelf of your closet will help prevent musty odors from appearing on your clothes. Alternatively, instead of coffee, you can use a bar of aromatic toilet soap.
  2. Airing (at least six hours) outside at sub-zero air temperatures will help get rid of the musty smell of mold and mildew.
  3. Ironing at maximum temperatures quickly removes unpleasant odors from linen clothes.
  4. Rinsing with bleach will help remove particularly persistent, ingrained musty odors from fabrics. It is enough to dilute 100 ml of bleach in five liters of water and soak the clothes for eight hours. Afterwards the items are washed again as usual.
  5. To wash clothes with a musty smell, you can use hair shampoo instead of regular washing powder (the method is most relevant for woolen, knitted and fur items).

Before using any product or method for an unpleasant odor, it is a good idea to study the manufacturer’s care recommendations indicated on the product label.

How to remove offensive odor from a jacket at home

Every housewife knows how quickly jackets that you have to wear to work every day get dirty and how difficult it can be to clean them. And if it is not possible to constantly use dry cleaning services, the task becomes simply unrealistic. Here are simple and effective ways to get rid of sweat stains from a jacket at home.

First you need to make a working solution. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. medical and ammonia alcohol, diluted with 3 tbsp. l. water. Use the resulting solution to clean the area of ​​the collar, cuffs and armpits and wait until the clothes dry. If there is no medical alcohol, it can be replaced with regular salt. After treatment, the smell and dirt will disappear.

Washing the fish

Oily marks left on fabric by fish, canned food and sauces can be removed by dissolving washing powder in water and rinsing the stain. Afterwards, do not forget to rinse the stained area in warm water. Heated glycerin works great for old stains. After such treatment, it is necessary to wash off the cleaning composition from the material. We clean thin silk fabric by mixing glycerin and water in equal proportions and adding ammonia in the amount of a few drops. It is worth checking in advance whether the material is subject to shedding.

You can remove a fish stain from fabric, if it is natural or artificial silk, by mixing glycerin (1 tbsp), ammonia (0.5 tsp) and vodka (1 tbsp). In addition to oily traces, fish and fish oil are known for their not very pleasant specific odor, which is easily absorbed into the material of tablecloths, towels and clothes. It is not easy to overcome, especially when washing is done after several days. To save textiles, we recommend using vinegar. Fill a small basin with warm water (5 l), add 2 large spoons of vinegar, soak the product, and then wash it in the usual way.

How to get rid of sweat odor from outerwear

Usually, at the end of the season, outerwear becomes salty and soaked in sweat, and shiny, dirty stains appear on the lining in the collar and sleeve areas. Before storing an item, it must be thoroughly cleaned. You can do dry cleaning yourself at home.

To get rid of traces of sweat and dirt on the lining, you need to wipe them with a solution of ammonia, salt and water, taken in a ratio of 10:1:10. Wait for some time until the solution is absorbed and remove any remaining salt.

Then, you should fasten the product with a zipper or buttons and stuff crumpled newspapers or paper into the sleeves. In this form, outerwear can be stored until next season.

Getting rid of traces of fish oil

This liquid, like any fatty substance, can be easily removed from fabric if you wash it wisely. We recommend pre-soaking the soiled item. Add a suitable washing powder to a bowl of water to make cleaning more effective - the product you use to wash dishes. It is specially designed to combat such pollution and will not harm the material. Another recipe requires the use of pure alcohol: saturate the contaminated area, wait 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. For rinsing, you need to use water with washing powder, which is better not to skimp on. To remove odor, we recommend adding ammonia (1 tsp) to ethyl alcohol.

Another effective remedy is a weak solution of food vinegar, which should be applied to the stain and washed over the item of clothing. The following mixture helps well against old stains: ammonia, salt and water in a ratio of 1:1:3. After treating the problem area, ventilate the product and wash as usual. If the clothes are not damaged by boiling water, they can be boiled by adding 3% hydrogen peroxide. The following method will also help against such stains on light-colored fabric: pour crushed chalk or burnt magnesia onto the contaminated area. It is better if the cleaning agent is on both sides of the material. We place sheets of paper on top and bottom, and place a weight on top. After 10-12 hours, remove the load and clean off the powder. On a dark item, sprinkle powder only on the reverse side.

Measures to prevent the smell of sweat from clothes

It is unlikely that in history there are known cases where someone managed to stop sweating at will. Therefore, when going to work or sports training, where you will have to sweat, you need to warn your clothes in advance against the appearance of stains and the smell of sweat. As practice shows, this is much easier to do than later to deal with poorly removed contaminants and disgusting “aroma”.

One of the basic rules for keeping clothes clean is to change clothes frequently. A person sweats not only during physical activity. Even in a calm state, after lying on the couch at home all day, his body secretes a certain amount of sweat, which is absorbed by clothes. Therefore, it is necessary to wear new, clean clothes, especially those that are close to the body, every day. This will prevent the stains from setting.

Don't forget about such powerful protection against sweat as antiperspirants and deodorants. It is better to use two-in-one combination drugs. Then the antiperspirant will protect against sweat, and the deodorant will provide a pleasant aroma.

To prevent sweat stains from acquiring an unpleasant odor, you need to keep your body clean every day, especially in the armpit area. The cleaner the skin is in problem areas, the less bacteria will accumulate on its surface, and, consequently, the odor will disappear and you will not have to solve the problem of eliminating it.

By listening to tips on how to combat stains from sweat and unpleasant odors from clothes, you can easily and inexpensively cope with this problem. If you carefully look after your favorite clothes, you will be comfortable and comfortable anywhere and in any weather.

What to soak things stained with fish in?

Pre-soaking significantly increases the chances of successfully removing fish odor from clothing. To do this, use laundry soap or ordinary table vinegar.

The soap is first grated and dissolved in hot water until the composition is as rich as possible. Soiled clothes are placed in it for 2-3 hours.

The darker the soap, the more alkali it contains, which effectively removes unpleasant odors.

To make an acidic soaking solution, add 3-5 tablespoons of vinegar to warm water. Things are immersed in the composition for 40 minutes. This soaking helps get rid of not only the fishy smell, but also some types of stains.

White items and colored fabrics with permanent dye are soaked in water with chlorine-free bleach and kept for 40 minutes. Afterwards, the clothes are washed in a machine with an additional rinse.


Salt can remove the smell of mold or rot or dampness using the most radical method, destroying the source. In addition, salt perfectly absorbs and adsorbs moisture. If you need to quickly absorb a foul-smelling substance from fabric, sprinkle fine salt on the stain and wait about half an hour before washing the clothes with soap or machine washing. For greater effect, rub salt into the fabric. After soaking, it will still dissolve and come out without leaving any traces behind.

A saturated concentrate is obtained if you add 3-4 heaped tablespoons of salt to a liter of water. As soon as it dissolves with the resulting concentrate, pour the clothes that require treatment into a bowl and leave it there for at least 15 minutes, preferably up to 45 minutes.

How to remove odor from clothes:

Odorgon helped me a lot in removing odors from clothes. The jacket smelled strongly of tobacco smoke and the smell was unpleasant and noticeable. I used this product once and the smell disappeared.

Good evening! Almost all of my things were saturated with cigarette smoke. But in anticipation of a miracle, it was necessary to get rid of it. And the smeloff product helped me. I forgot about the unpleasant smell once and for all.

Good afternoon I also often used folk remedies to eliminate the smell of sweat. Grandmother's advice helped, but not always. Lately I've been using SmellOff. No sweat smell or stinky sneakers.

All of our neighbors smoke, they are very drawn to the apartment, as if they themselves smoked there. Conversations did not help with smokers, I ordered smeloff via the Internet, it removes odors from the house, but I have to constantly remove it. How to deal with such neighbors?!

I have long dreamed of refreshing the smell in an old closet, but I still didn’t know how. Dufta Home helped me with this.

Hello, I would like to talk about a problem such as an unpleasant odor from clothes, shoes, fires, cigarettes. At the moment, this is a big problem for many people, since people don’t know how to solve it, and I didn’t know before, I always washed clothes very often , until I accidentally found out on the Internet about such a product as Smellof. I am very pleased with this product because this product helps get rid of not only the smell of sweat, but also those odors on clothes that they absorb in the kitchen. This product not only gets rid of unpleasant odors on clothes, but also destroys odors such as: burning smell, sweat smell, smell of spoiled food, animal smell, etc.

I agree! Undoubtedly, Smelloff is a godsend for our family - my husband and I play sports, and smells are a huge problem in our day. After training, everything smells unpleasant: clothes, shoes. From a friend in the hall I heard about the Smelloff product, I ordered it on the Internet - the price is a little higher than usual products, which, by the way, do not get rid of unpleasant odors, and you need to tinker a little with application, but the effect is amazing. I'm going to try to clean the carpets on which the cat relieved himself, I hope the result will be no worse than with clothes!

Agree. Smeloff is the only remedy that helped get rid of the unpleasant smell of clothes in the closet. The items haven’t been worn for a long time, but it’s a shame to throw them away. When I took them out, there was a pungent smell of old age. It's just a nightmare. I tried a lot of remedies, and used my grandmother’s methods, but all in vain =((

The smell can be removed simply by washing the clothes, then applying odorgon and placing it in a bag for 8 hours so that it does not dissipate and the smell will disappear.


It is commercially available at a concentration of 9%. A solution of only 3% will help get rid of stains and odors so as not to affect the structure of the fabric, so dilute store-bought vinegar in a 1:3 ratio with water.

Do not soak things for a long time. Apply the prepared solution to dirty or particularly odorous areas of clothing using a damp cloth or spray bottle. After this, wait 5-10 minutes and wash the item with soap, preferably laundry soap or antipyatin.

In combination with baking soda, vinegar is always used last. First, apply soda concentrate or dry powder and wait a while, and only after that apply detergent.

You should not use such a popular method as adding soda and vinegar to an automatic washing machine. This option was suitable for open centrifugal machines, additionally foaming and aerating the water. In the case of a machine, it is better to give preference to powders with oxygen beads.

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