Sleep or die. 9 facts about sleep and its impact on our lives

Modern science connects periods of sleep and wakefulness of a person with changes in illumination, i.e. change of day and night. These so-called circadian rhythms alternate every 24 hours. During the day, we feel various fluctuations in activity, ranging from the highest rise in strength to fatigue and the need for rest.

The influence of sleep on human health

Sleep is a period of restoration of vitality and energy, during which our brain is not sensitive to external stimuli, but is as active as in the waking state.

What happens to the body during sleep

When a person falls asleep, the brain puts the body into a special mode. Reflexes and reactions to external influences are reduced. A sleeping person is relaxed, the pupils constrict, and muscle tone decreases throughout the night. Only the muscles of the bladder, eyelids and rectum remain tense.

Heart rhythms become slower, breathing becomes calmer. The activity of the digestive process and the production of saliva decreases, so doctors do not recommend eating before bed. In addition, the temperature drops slightly and more sweat is produced.

Simultaneously with the external manifestations of sleep, the brain is activated. Proteins are replaced, body cells begin to recover and multiply.

However, it cannot be said that all this happens in one phase of sleep. Scientists distinguish slow (non-REM) and rapid (REM) sleep, as well as several stages within them.

How to restore normal sleep

Before visiting a specialist, you can review your daily routine:

  1. If possible, follow a daily routine. You should go to bed and wake up at the same time
    . At the same time, you don’t need to be afraid to sleep on your stomach.
  2. You should not eat or watch TV in bed.
  3. It is necessary to exercise and do exercises in the morning, especially in the fresh air.
  4. Completion of complex tasks should be planned for the first half of the day, so that in the second half you can calmly approach the evening and go to bed.
  5. You shouldn't go to bed on an empty stomach, but you shouldn't eat too much, just have a snack.
  6. You should refrain from drinking heavily before bed.
  7. Avoid drinking alcohol before bed.
  8. The sleeping place should be comfortable, with properly selected bedding. The room should be quiet and comfortable.

If such measures do not help, then in order to restore normal, full sleep, you need to contact your doctor, who will conduct a full medical examination, identify the cause of this condition and prescribe the optimal course of treatment.

Orthodox (slow wave) sleep

It all starts with falling asleep. In the first stage, which lasts up to 15 minutes, the person becomes drowsy. At this time, a borderline state is possible, when dreams, dreams and even hallucinations interfere with reality. On the electroencephalogram (EEG), this stage is manifested in a decrease in the alpha rhythm of wakefulness and the appearance of low-frequency delta and theta waves.

In the second stage, brain activity weaves “sleep spindles.” These fluctuations in brain activity are named for their characteristic appearance on the EEG. When such “spindles” appear, consciousness turns off and the sleeper can be easily awakened only during the intervals of their appearance. “Sleepy spindles” persist into the third stage.

In the third and fourth stages of slow-wave sleep, the delta stage, sleep is very deep and it is very difficult to wake a person. During these periods, outbreaks of sleepwalking, nightmares and most of the dreams occur, of which no memories remain after awakening.

Snoring also occurs during deep sleep. Since apnea also interferes with normal sleep (and not only those close to you; snorers themselves sometimes wake up from the sounds they make), timely treatment of snoring will improve the quality of sleep - both your own and those around you.

The importance of sleep for human health

So, how important is sleep and getting a good night's sleep? Here are some ways your body benefits from good rest.

Getting good sleep to improve concentration

Getting enough sleep is critical for optimal concentration, attention, and problem solving. When you feel sleepy, it's harder to pay attention and your memory suffers.

Insomnia can impair both working and long-term memory. It also negatively impacts attention and decision-making skills. Changing your sleep habits to get adequate sleep can help improve your productivity at work or school.

The importance of sleep for improving the immune system

Getting enough sleep will help ensure that your immune system is working at full capacity, helping you keep colds and flu at bay.

Paradoxical (rapid eye movement) sleep

For a long time it was believed that the above stages were the only components of sleep. But in 1953, the REM sleep phase was discovered. The state of brain activity at this time is similar to the period of wakefulness, while the sleeper remains almost completely motionless. Therefore, the phase is called paradoxical.

The influence of sleep on human health

In humans, during REM sleep, high activity of the eyeballs moving under closed eyelids has been recorded. Since at this time a person dreams most actively, it is noticed that the eyes move as if the sleeper were looking at a real object. It is noteworthy that people who are blind from birth “see” sounds and smells in their sleep, but there is no eye movement.

Should I get rid of long sleep?

If sleep is too long a process and a favorite activity for you, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe a set of examinations, including the following:

  1. Donating blood to determine traces of drugs and drugs; this factor will allow you to establish or exclude certain causes of this condition.
  2. A detailed study lasting overnight and the next day. It includes conducting an instrumental study at night - polysomnography, which involves recording electrical brain, cardiac, muscle activity and respiratory function. Movements performed by the limbs are also recorded. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to determine the presence or absence of other sleep disorders that cause or worsen the problems.
  3. A continuation of the previous examination is carried out the next day and involves studying episodes of daytime sleep. It is called the Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT)
    . This study involves a series of sleep attempts during the daytime. A similar study is carried out in the diagnostic practice of narcolepsy.

You need to tell your doctor your sleep record (maximum time spent sleeping), and also follow the basic rules indicated by the specialist.

The sleep record is 40 years. No need to strive there

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