Signs on Christmas Eve before Christmas, on the night of January 6-7

General characteristics of the holiday

Christmas holiday in Russia
Christmas Eve (January 6) is called Christmas Eve. It received its unusual name from the word “sochivo”. This is the name of porridge, cooked from various types of cereals with the addition of honey and poppy seeds. Today, a simplified version of the dish is known as “kutia” and is prepared somewhat differently.

The eve of the Orthodox Nativity of Christ is sometimes called Kolyada, which recalls the tradition that has survived to this day - caroling. For a long time, those who wished to do so on the evening and night before Christmas dressed up in funny costumes, went from house to house, sang ritual songs, read special poems and had fun from the heart. Unusual behavior was intended to drive out evil spirits from the earth and ensure prosperity for people. As in the old days, today it is customary to present carolers with various gifts - delicious foods, sweets and money.

Important! Orthodox Christmas is an excellent occasion to forgive others, ask for forgiveness yourself, and, if possible, pay off debts. You shouldn’t enter the new year with a load of grievances and financial obligations.

Signs for a guest

It has been noticed that Christmas signs certainly come true. And today you can find out what the coming year will be like. If a drunken friend broke in first on Christmas night and even staged a “concert,” then the next 12 months will pass in constant fuss, quarrels and disagreements.

A woman will be the first to cross the threshold - expect failures and malicious gossip. But if an old woman or an elderly man comes to the house, you will live a long time. A visit from a boy or a mature man is considered the most favorable and promises general contentment. Seeing a beggar in front of the door is bad. It marks the arrival of a particularly unfortunate and hungry period.

If two people come to visit at once on Christmas morning, there will be no serious difficulties or deaths in the family for a whole year. It’s best when a whole company drops by to see the light. Life promises to be rich, fun and comfortable.

Signs for the day of the week

Popular signs for January 7 remind us: it is necessary to take into account the day of the week on which the holiday fell this year. It is used to make true predictions about the weather and life. For example, Christmas fell on Monday - many men will die this year, on Saturday - older people will leave, regardless of gender. If the holiday happened on Tuesday, it is necessary to invite as many guests as possible into the house, otherwise you will have to live in poverty and starve.

  • Monday - a good summer and a generous harvest.
  • Tuesday is a good time to get married.
  • Wednesday - a successful life, profitable business.
  • Thursday - incredible luck awaits lonely people.
  • Friday - stagnation in business, short summer season.
  • Saturday - rainy year, lots of troubles.
  • Sunday - a great year, good luck, good news.

By the way, a person who is lucky enough to be born on January 7 will live a relatively comfortable and definitely long life. Ancient beliefs say: in the old days, if a woman gave birth before Christmas, the midwife refused money and became the godmother of the newborn. It was believed that a person who took money from a woman in labor would then spend it on his own funeral.

Christmas 2020 - what not to do on January 7th. Fortune telling and omens

There are many signs and customs associated with Christmas - they were given special attention. It was believed that as Christmas went, so would the year.

The Nativity of Christ occupies an important place in the lives of many people; it is a holiday of love, warmth, faith, goodness and happiness.

January 7 is the best time to visit and receive guests. It is important that you should communicate better at Christmas only with those people who can bring happiness to you - happy families, or those families who are expecting an addition, or a new family member has already been born. As a rule, edible gifts are given at Christmas. Be sure to bring kutya, sweets, jam and pickles. You can also give a toy if it is a child, or some kind of winter accessory.

Nowadays, of course, you can get by with a phone call, the main thing is to let the people you care about know that you remember them and wish them the best. Be sure to congratulate all your friends and family on this holiday; Christmas greetings filled with joy and warmth will help people become brighter, happier and forget about everyday problems and worries.

At Christmas it is customary to light more candles, lights, a fireplace - if you have one. Candles bring warmth and wealth into your home. If you have pets, then at Christmas you need to feed them abundantly - then the whole year will be satisfying and successful financially.

One special candle must be lit for deceased relatives - then they will help you attract good luck and prosperity in the coming year.

Christmas is a great time for shopping, big and small. Buying something good for Christmas is a great omen and a sign that the purchase will serve you faithfully.

From Christmas until Epiphany, throughout all the days of Christmastide, certain prohibitions apply, which are determined by centuries-old ideas about the holiday as a stop of time, a certain temporary pause, during which one cannot engage in productive work and everything that is associated with birth, beginning, development. Therefore, a significant part of the prohibitions concerns crafts related to spinning, sewing, knitting, weaving, braiding, that is, everything related to thread (rope). The thread is a symbol of life and destiny.

On Christmas, you can't do any cleaning or housekeeping chores. This day is created for peace and joy. It’s even better if you don’t clean up until January 14th (the next day of the old New Year). All garbage collected on January 14 should be taken outside and scattered to the wind, or burned. According to signs, after this no evil spirits will bother you for a whole year.

You can't swear on a holy day. He who swears takes away the hope of salvation from his ancestors.

There is a widespread belief associated with the arrival of the first guest. If you are inviting guests over for Christmas, see who enters your home first. If a woman enters first, then the women of your family will be sick all year.

Christmas rules also applied to clothing: on Christmas, another tradition has long been followed: to wear only new clothes. Not clean, washed, but new, not yet worn. And don't sit at the Christmas table dressed in black. Our ancestors believed that such people would face failure in business in the new year.

It is not recommended to guess at Christmas - in order to ask the higher powers what awaits you in the future, there will still be a lot of time: it is best to do this on the so-called Christmastide - from January 8 to Epiphany, it is not for nothing that fortune telling at this time is called that - Christmastide.

You can't drink water on Christmas, so remove all mineral water from the table. There is coffee, tea and other great drinks. To be honest, this sign is a little strange, but it’s better not to drink water than to suffer for an unknown reason all year.

7 The Seven Blessings of Christmas

The number seven is considered sacred. There is a belief that whoever does seven blessings on Orthodox Christmas will live happily all year and even has the right to ask the angels for the fulfillment of their most cherished desire. On this day, it is customary to give seven alms for the sake of happiness in the coming year. Usually these are 7 identical coins, which must be given to someone who arouses sincere sympathy in the soul, accompanying the alms with a silent prayer. You can also give seven useful gifts. As a rule, these were towels, and when giving them, the giver must say the words: “I give towels, I will die well, I will correct evil with good, I will guide my kind (my family) to happiness.” On Christmas we greet each other with the words: “Christ is born!” and we respond to these words: “We praise Him!”


At Christmas, many different rituals have long been performed, but in order not to be accused of obscurantism at all, do the nicest ones that are not tied to magic - it doesn’t matter whether it is black or white. For example, starting from January 7, for forty (!) days (this period is called peace - our ancestors believed that during this time angels help people in all matters), every morning, when you wake up, make a new wish - imagine how much good will come into your life!

Signs and superstitions

At Christmas, folk signs and superstitions acquire special power, as if nature itself and every object are trying to tell us something: how to live, what to fear. Here are just a few of them.

A sign of prosperity. If you lose any item at Christmas, this means that you may face losses next year. But if you find a thing and even some kind of jewelry, then money is already rushing to you in full sail!

A sign for good luck. If you accidentally spilled tea or coffee at the Christmas table (this does not apply to alcohol), then this is good news and great success for all your endeavors.

Money signs for Christmas

On Christmas Eve (January 7 to 19), look at nature. If the sky is most often strewn with stars, or it snows often, or there is a lot of frost on the trees, the year will be rich, satisfying, and profitable. If it snows on Christmas Day itself, this is a very good omen and promises a successful year.

If there is a new moon in the sky on Christmas Day, the year will be extremely unlucky financially.

The most monetary sign of Christmas is also a tradition. A coin is baked into the pie - and whoever gets a piece with a coin will have great financial luck in the New Year.

May the coin end up in your piece of Christmas pie!

Christmas prohibitions and recommendations

If you don’t believe in omens at all, then this is not a reason to abandon long-standing traditions and customs. Compliance with the unwritten rules averts troubles and guarantees prosperity for the whole year. This does not mean that it is necessary to strictly follow an endless number of instructions; it is enough to remember the simplest and most pleasant ones.

  • On Christmas Eve, it is customary to distribute free food to the poor. Superstitions believe that this helps deceased ancestors satisfy their hunger.
  • In order for the souls of ancestors to enjoy earthly dishes to their fullest and pray for the living, it is recommended to leave the ceremonial table uncleaned for some time after the feast.
  • On Christmas it is forbidden to do any “dirty” work (cleaning, washing, etc.), otherwise you will spend the whole year in dirt and not only material dirt. It is better to clean the house in advance.
  • On the eve of the winter holiday and three more days of January, you cannot take wealth, light and warmth out of the house (do not lend matches, lighters, money, etc.). It’s better to settle financial matters later, and pass on the fire by setting something else on fire with your own.
  • Refuse if on the evening of January 6th someone asks for salt or bread. Miss your chance, which will get lost in the usual routine. If you really need it, it’s better to invite him into your home and feed him.

Signs about major holidays say: for three holy days after the main holiday, it is not recommended to wash your hair, sew, or transfer money. This is done on all three-day holidays. To make the coming year happy in all respects, light candles and garlands that you find in the house.

Traditions of the Christmas feast

According to a tradition dating back to pagan times, on Christmas Eve it is forbidden to eat food until the first star.

The evening meal on the eve of Christmas is accompanied by many traditions and rituals.

On the eve of Christmas, the church prescribed strict fasting - believers were not allowed to eat or drink for the entire pre-Christmas day. Dinner on Holy Eve was the first meal of the day for them - it ended the 40-day Nativity Fast.

The word Christmas Eve comes from the word “sochivo”. This is a ceremonial, ritual Lenten dish, obligatory for this evening. It was prepared from almond or poppy “milk” mixed with honey and cereal porridge (wheat, rye, barley, buckwheat, peas, and later even rice). Nuts or poppy seeds were added to this porridge. This dish began the meal on both Christmas Eve and Epiphany Eve, and during other important events - christenings, funerals. A similar porridge, slightly different in composition, called “kutya,” was also cooked at funerals, christenings, and at the birth of a child, but it was no longer always lean. So, on the second day after Christmas Eve they prepared “grandmother’s” kutya - “rich”.

On Holy Evening, after sunset, the whole family gathers at the table, on which there are 12 traditional Lenten dishes - according to the number of the apostles. None of the dishes should remain untouched: each one should be tasted at least a little.

It’s good if there is a candle burning on the table - a living fire. The main dish of dinner on Holy Evening is kutia. Traditionally it is made from wheat, but other whole grains can be used. Grains, grains are a symbol of people glued together into humanity. And honey or sugar syrup is used as glue in kutia.

This dinner ends the strict Nativity fast: on January 7, all restrictions are lifted.

Christmas holidays are one of the few in the Christian calendar in which church and folk traditions are closely intertwined.

After Christmas comes Christmastide - holy days or 12 days during which the holiday is celebrated.

Preparing for the celebration

Preparing for the celebration of the Nativity of Christ is a real magical rite, the observance of which will ensure prosperity for the whole year. Every housewife should take note of Christmas signs.

  • In order for the house to become a full bowl, you should prepare as many different dishes as possible, in total there should be at least twelve of them.
  • To get rid of loneliness, invite more guests.
  • To attract the capricious Fortune, clothes and table decorations (tablecloth) must be exclusively new.
  • If on Christmas someone manages to break or spill something, superstitions say: difficulties, quarrels and disagreements will come.

To attract wealth, you need to have a shiny coin and regularly look at it while preparing dishes. The very last thing you should bake is a Christmas pie (cake). You must put the mentioned coin in the dough. The one who then gets a piece of her will know real happiness.

Features of the festive feast

Sign for the Christmas table
Even a family feast on this day is subject to special rules. Folk signs for Christmas suggest the following:

  • Sit down to eat no earlier than the first star rises. Before your meal, read prayers of thanksgiving.
  • An even number of people must take part in the gala dinner. If there are fewer eaters, place an additional empty device. Life will go calmly and measuredly.
  • You cannot cut and taste the Christmas loaf before the first star rises, otherwise constant scandals will begin in the house.
  • To make your household healthier, place a clove of aromatic garlic on each corner of the table.
  • Today we need to feed the animals especially generously. This will attract good luck and prosperity.
  • If during a pleasant dinner a pet cat settles down under the table, everyone present will live for another year.
  • To stock up on health and luck, be sure to treat the cat sitting under the table.

On the night (12 o'clock exactly) of Christmas, open the entrance doors, forgetting about the frost. Take a broom in your hands and tap it on the threshold several times. Evil spirits and evil spirits will hasten to leave the apartment or house.

Signs for singles

Do you want to find happiness in your personal life? Perform Christmas rituals that will help you achieve what you want. Unmarried girls are strictly forbidden to sweep the floor or take out the trash before the holiday. Popular superstitions say: if you scare off your betrothed, you will remain a wench forever. What other recommendations are there for unmarried and single people?

Eat an apple at the holiday table and count the number of seeds in it. If the number is even, it will be a wedding, if it is odd, wait further. If there are six or more seeds in an apple, you will receive incredible happiness and luck.

A young girl (boy) will find out the name of her betrothed (betrothed) if she takes the first piece of food into her mouth without chewing it, goes out into the street, and stands until a passerby calls a name.

To get married, single young ladies must dress up before the sun goes down. Were you lucky to see a shooting star in the sky? Make a wish immediately - it will definitely come true.

Christmas Conspiracies

For many centuries, Christmas Eve and Christmas Eve have been characterized by mystical and truly wonderful events. It is at this time that it is customary to pronounce various conspiracies. They may be different. Some people want to protect their family from troubles and misfortunes, while others want to attract love or financial well-being into their lives.

All year protection

The words of the conspiracy are pronounced before it is time to sit down at the festive table. Say once and last until next Christmas.

“On the bright night, on the night of Christmas, a great miracle takes place - Christ is born. Christ is born into the world, the whole earth is saturated with his grace. And the grace of God will fall on me, it will protect me from every misfortune, it will protect me from damage and the evil eye, every misfortune will fly by. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! As the son of God, he is merciful and patient to everyone. Just as He forgives everyone on earth, loves everyone, takes pity, blesses everyone, so fate would be merciful and favorable to me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Attract love into your life

This conspiracy is pronounced only on Christmas Day. It is endowed with the most powerful power. To pronounce it, take running water from a tap, stream, etc. Choose the best glass, wine glass or goblet in your home for this water. Give this water to someone for whom you have warm and tender feelings. The words must be read over the glass before your love drinks from it.

The words are as follows:

“It holds on, dries up, does not go away, like rivers dry up in the desert, like breast milk disappears in a mother’s breast from grief, like trees burn and dry up from a forest fire, so that the servant of God (NAME) dries up without the servant of God (NAME). How a spring will dry up if the streams that feed it dry up. How the sun burns a stunted thorn in the desert, so that the servant of God (NAME) withers and suffers for the servant of God (NAME). How a door holds on to the jamb, how a baby holds on to its mother’s breast, how a fish thrown ashore strives for water, so that the servant of God (NAME) holds on and strives for the servant of God (NAME) and does not go away at every hour, at every hour. minute. I will go out, servant of God (NAME), without crossing myself, I will walk along a wide street without blessing, I will reach a fast river without praying. Just as I quench my thirst in a clear river, so the servant of God (NAME) will quench his melancholy and sadness next to me. Look at me, listen to me, caress me, drink the water I serve. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To become a mother

During the Christmas season, various kinds of conspiracies are pronounced. So for those women who dream of a baby, there are words. To perform this conspiracy, take water, preferably holy water. You need to wake up early in the morning on January 7th and, leaning on your right knee, stand on the threshold of your home and say the following words:

“Mother, Most Holy Theotokos! Come visit me, and if not, then a messenger has come, a son or daughter. I pray to You, Mother of God, to help my servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the spoken words, you need to drink water from a glass.

Christmas is an important holiday for all people. We congratulate each other on the birth of Christ and wish each other goodness, prosperity and health. He awakens in us the warmest and most sincere feelings. This is a day of miracles and fulfillment of desires. You can change your life through rituals. Christmas night is the most mystical and amazing time.

What else to do on Christmas

You should definitely celebrate the Christmas holiday in a good mood. You will become frowning, nervous, and irritated, and you will live like this for a whole year. Interesting folk signs about Christmas recommend performing simple rituals:

  • To become strong and healthy, bring water from the street early in the morning, let your household members wash themselves with it and take a sip.
  • Let the eldest member of the family pour fresh milk, and let the family drink it and thank the Higher Powers for the holiday.
  • To attract wealth, go outside in your home clothes and wait until you are well cold and your body is covered with goosebumps. Say something like: “The amount of goosebumps on your skin equals the amount of money in your wallet.”
  • If a husband and wife are living poorly, and there are constant scandals in the house, fill a bucket with water, take it outside in the evening and leave it there overnight. On Christmas morning, bring it in and boil it over the fire. Add the resulting water to food, drink, water for washing and washing.

Don't miss the night of January 7th - the perfect time for fortune telling about the future. According to popular beliefs, it is today that the forces of Good come into conflict with Evil, which is reflected on the material level by all sorts of unprecedented miracles. It has been tested several times: a wish made on Christmas Eve comes true in the very near future.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Customs and superstitions for unmarried girls:

  • Young ladies tell fortunes on Christmas night about the character of their betrothed with the help of a live rooster and various objects. You need to take a poultry and put 4 symbols in front of it: a mirror surface - the future husband will be handsome and well-mannered, grain - the husband will be generous and kind, water - the husband will be stingy and jealous, a live domestic chicken - the lover will dote on his wife . Whatever object the rooster reaches for, that’s the girl’s husband.
  • The name that the young lady hears from the first man she meets on Christmas night is fateful for the young lady - that’s what her betrothed will be called.
  • If an unmarried girl sees a young man in her Christmas dream, she will get married this year.
  • If a young lady dresses beautifully for Christmas, then the betrothed from the young lady will not escape anywhere.
  • On Christmas Eve, young girls bring a live rooster into their house: if it remains standing at the door, the girl is destined to while away her life alone; if the bird approaches the Christmas table, a magnificent wedding is just around the corner.
  • Putting down the comb, and then forgetting where the object is and trying to find it for a long time - such a sign promises great and mutual love.

Popular beliefs regarding fortune telling during the Christmas holidays (except for Christmas Day itself):

  • If a girl is telling fortunes and during this process the candles go out, you should stop this activity, since the spirits are embittered by something and do not want to get in touch with the young lady.
  • You should not cast a spell if a young lady accidentally breaks a mirror during a magical ritual, as this is fraught with tragic consequences for the fortuneteller and all members of her family.
  • You cannot tell anyone about rituals and conspiracies; it is also better to remain silent about the results of fortune-telling, so as not to bring trouble upon yourself.
  • The fortune-telling girl should not be wearing ropes, belts, straps or other ties.
  • It is best to carry out fortune telling in the house where the coffin with the deceased stood for a year, so that it is easier to summon the spirit.
  • You cannot tell fortunes twice in a row with the same question, as the spirits may become seriously angry.

Winter signs: natural weather forecast

Signs for the weather

While listing all the signs for Christmas, one cannot lose sight of the signs that predict the weather and harvest for the coming year. Here are some of them.

If Christmas Day is clear, there will be an excellent harvest. You should not count on good harvests if there is a thaw on the holiday. An excessively warm day promises a cold spring.

There will be a lot of bread and honey if Christmas is marked by a snowstorm. This sign is especially relevant if the snow flies in large flakes. A clear and starry Christmas sky promises a bountiful birth of livestock and an increased yield of forest products (berries, mushrooms).

But the most important sign for Christmas, which even completely non-superstitious people observe, says: how you celebrate the Christmas holiday, so will your future life this year. Therefore, celebrate the celebration together with your closest people at a generous table in harmony, prosperity, love and you will have great happiness!

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