Red lipstick is a stylish, not vulgar look!

Choosing the right red lipstick color

Red lipstick is different from red lipstick, so you need to choose the right shade before you buy anything. The color of red lipstick will directly depend on your skin tone and to determine the right one, you need to conduct a special test:

Go to the window so that the sunlight falls on your hands. Look at the veins on your wrists, if they are greenish, then you have a warm skin tone, and if they are blue, then you have a cool skin tone.

It is from this indicator that a truly successful red lipstick color is selected.

Red lipstick by tone

After the test, you need to choose the right lipstick. Accordingly, if you have a warm skin tone, then the shade should be warm, and if you have a cold skin tone, then the shade should be selected from the cold series.

Warm tone - Warm shades of red lipstick should contain slightly yellowish, brown, orange and peach shimmer.

Cool tone - cool shades of red lipstick contain shades of blue, such as raspberry, blackberry, burgundy, as well as cool carrot and scarlet.

How to choose lipstick color?

Quite recently, my friend Lena decided to stop tormenting her hair with strong dyes and returned to her natural color - brown. At the same time, she had to face the problem of choosing lipstick, since those that suited her past image of a bright blonde did not suit the updated brown-haired woman at all.

For advice, she decided to turn to me and our third friend, who has changed her style so many times that it’s hard to remember what she hasn’t been like before. Together we learned some tips on how to choose the right lipstick color.

It turns out that when choosing lipstick, you need to take into account everything: skin color, hair and eyes. The time of day and the outfit chosen for that day also influences.

1. Color of the skin

. Light skin belongs to cool shades, and therefore goes perfectly with a “cold” lipstick color, for example, pink, raspberry, plum, shades of lilac, burgundy. For tanned skin, you should choose lipstick in warm shades, for example, peach or brown. It should be based on a yellow tint. For skin whose color is between light and tanned, red and gold tones are suitable.

2. Hair color

. It is best for fair-haired girls to opt for pink shades of lipstick; the image turns out to be very gentle and romantic. Lipstick colors for blondes in coral, berry and red shades are ideal for creating a more expressive and rich look. Brown-haired women are luckier; they have a slightly expanded arsenal at their disposal: wine, plum, bronze, lilac, chocolate. The color of lipstick for brunettes can be very bright and saturated, because there is a rule here: the darker the hair color, the brighter the lipstick you can afford. For red-haired girls, the ideal option would be brown, coral or terracotta lipstick.

3. Eye color

. For girls with blue eyes, beige, pink and cherry shades of lipstick are suitable. But if the shade of the eyes is more saturated and dark, close to blue, then you should pay attention to the orange and golden tones. For green eyes, the owner of which I am, most often choose bright red, orange, terracotta, red-orange shades. Gray eyes will become more expressive with cool shades of lipstick, such as plum or blackberry, and you should also pay attention to pastel beige. Brown-eyed girls look best with brown and scarlet colors. Although you can also experiment with pink shades.

4. Lip shape

. Girls are not always happy with the shape of their lips; for some they are too thin, and for some, on the contrary, they are too big (although the latter is extremely rare and plump lips cannot in any way be a drawback or a reason for worry). With the help of the right lipstick, you can slightly correct all these imperfections. So, if your lips are too thin, then you should not choose dark shades of lipstick. Remember that dark color reduces. But bright shades significantly expand the boundaries of the contour. If you purchase lipstick with a shiny texture or cover it with gloss, your lips will gain additional volume. For too full lips, you should choose matte lipsticks in rich or neutral light shades. If your lips are slightly asymmetrical, this can be corrected with a light contour and transparent gloss.

5. Teeth

. When choosing lipstick, it is very important to take into account the color of your tooth enamel. If your teeth are far from ideal, then in order not to focus undue attention on them, you should opt for light shades. For those with a bright and Hollywood smile, any lipstick will suit you, such as brown, orange, purple, pink or beige. For owners of darker enamel, colors with a yellow tint are contraindicated, but “cold” colors can significantly “whiten” them.

6. Time of day

. It's no secret that during the daytime it is best to choose lighter and neutral shades, while rich and dark shades are suitable for evening makeup. At the same time, remember that incandescent lamps can “eat up” warm shades of lipstick, and cool colors become unnatural and “dirty”.

7. Age

. Another important criterion when choosing lipstick is age. For example, lighter shades visually reduce the number of wrinkles on the face. Young girls can afford rich and rich shades of lipstick, but older women will suit dark, but not too provocative tones. But needless to say, many girls, on the contrary, prefer dark colors, which give them some heaviness in their image. All this is very individual and depends on preferences and tastes.

8. Cloth

. When choosing lipstick to match your look, you can use it as an accent, for example, a black dress and bright red or scarlet lipstick. When creating a romantic image, use pastel colors in clothes and the same lipstick.

Of course, advice on how to choose the right lipstick color may not suit absolutely all girls, because there are so many people, so many opinions. After all, even I, when I asked myself what lipstick color would suit me, realized that my choice was made based on my inner feelings and was based solely on female intuition. But it is worth saying that it practically coincided with the generally accepted recommendations of stylists. By the way, as a result of all these tips and recommendations, as well as numerous experiments, my friend acquired as many as five shades of lipstick that will help her be irresistible regardless of the situation and time of day.

Applying red lipstick

The fact is that bright shades of lipstick attract increased attention, so the skin of the lips must be properly prepared.

Stage No. 1

Apply a special exfoliating scrub to clean lips. It will help exfoliate dead particles and make the skin of your lips soft and silky.

Stage No. 2

After the scrub, you need to apply a moisturizing balm to your lips, which may contain various plant extracts. Wait a couple of minutes and blot your lips with a dry cloth to remove excess.

Stage No. 3

Before applying red lipstick, you should always use a pencil to make your makeup more harmonious. The pencil itself is chosen a tone darker than the color of the lipstick.

Stage No. 4

Apply red lipstick and, if necessary, colorless gloss to your lips to secure your lip makeup.


Since ancient times, it was believed that a woman’s lips should look so that one would want to touch them. Red lipstick will emphasize the natural expressiveness of your lips and make them even brighter and more attractive.

Finding red lipstick is not easy. Many girls believe that this trend is not for them. Some are afraid of such a bright and provocative color, some think it’s vulgar.

But everyone has one problem: they can't find their own shade of red lipstick.

Let's figure it out!

So, red lipstick for blondes.

The beautiful Marilyn Monroe was the ideal of female beauty in the last century. Girls dreamed of being like her. But what is the secret of her seductiveness? This femme fatale constantly wore red lipstick. Its color is bright red. Happy owners of ashy hair should use strawberry and wine tones. If your hair is golden-toned like Nicole Kidman's, your red lipstick shade is peachy or pinkish.

Red lipstick for redheads.

If you are a red-haired beast, then you do not need to use too bright a shade of lipstick. Excessive makeup is contraindicated for sunny ladies. Burgundy or dark red shades are ideal for dark red girls. And coral is suitable for light redheads.

Red lipstick for brunettes.

The brunette is naturally very expressive. For a girl with fair skin and black hair, lipstick of a scarlet shade, or berry shades - lingonberry or cherry - is suitable. Ruby and other bright shades are ideal for a sultry brunette with dark skin.

Red lipstick for brown-haired women.

A striking brown-haired woman like Anne Hathaway wears many shades, from soft pink to crimson red. The latter suits ladies with dark skin more; fair-skinned brown-haired women should try apricot. And the brown shade suits all brown-haired women!

And a little more about how to apply lipstick.

First, clean your face - wash your face. Then apply foundation to your lips. Let's say foundation or powder. Blot it a little with a napkin if it’s too noticeable. Outline your lips with a contour pencil. If you want a long-lasting and rich color, you need to paint over the entire surface of your lips with a contour. Now apply lipstick of the desired color to your lips. You already know how to choose it. Under no circumstances should you purse your lips. This way you will smudge the outline and it will look sloppy. Just wait a while until the lipstick dries a little.

If you feel like you've gone overboard and your lips look too bright, suck your finger or lightly blot your lips with a tissue. If you want long-lasting lip makeup, set it with a thin layer of powder. But this will make your lips look duller. To pin or not is up to you.

And now a little bonus.

How to tell a girl's character by the color of her lipstick?

Red color: Berry, wine and calm shades of lipstick speak of a girl’s sexuality, but at the same time she is smart and reasonable. People with bright scarlet lips are extravagant and artistic, very sexy. They are often vamp women.

Brown lipstick is chosen by calm, slightly conservative girls. More established people choose darker lipstick. Brown is often the color chosen by teachers.

Warm pink shade is often chosen by young girls. Such a person is optimistic and does not pay attention to the little things that spoil her life. She gets along well with her family, and also loves her husband very much and is faithful to him.

Cool shades of pink are chosen by aestheticians with delicate taste. They are freedom-loving. Their color type is winter, and any winter girl is proud of her beauty.

Peach shade. Such a girl is confident in herself and knows her worth very well. The peach color is close to natural and we can conclude that the girl with peach lipstick accepts herself for who she is.

Bright, unnatural colors.

Women who use colors such as purple, orange or blue are often young. But those who use cool colors are most often closed in on themselves, and those who wear orange lipstick are pronounced extravagant.

The main rules of makeup with red lipstick

  1. Remember that you cannot use bright shadows, blush or eyeliner with red lipstick. That is, you should have one bright accent on your face;
  2. For evening makeup, makeup artists advise using matte shades of red lipstick. They are more durable and do not change color when illuminated by lamps or in the light of a camera flash.
  3. If you want to make an impression and make a double accent in your makeup with red lipstick, then choose one thing: bright arrows or bright shadows.

Red lipstick - accessories and clothing

The best way to complement red lipstick is to wear red-colored accessories or clothing. But you shouldn’t overdo it, so as not to get a tacky image. Just enough red earrings, a bag, a belt and shoes - this is a perfect look that is suitable for any event.

In another case, red lipstick will look great under a red dress, but here you need to dilute the look and wear black or white shoes, including choosing the appropriate accessories.


Beyond Alice in Glow Oil Tint, tone 4

Brighter than ruby, tomato also suits most girls. It has a neutral undertone that will suit both fair and olive skinned people.

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