Personal experience: how I radically changed my clothing style

Psychologists say that the first 7 seconds are the time during which the first impression of a person is formed. An insignificant period of time, but we have already managed to “evaluate” a bunch of features: gait, demeanor, facial features and, of course, clothing style.

Clothing is a special information code. With it we emphasize our individuality, correct shortcomings, express our mood, set boundaries and talk about our desires. Look how many things are in the hands of someone who learns to understand styles! In 5 minutes you will become this person!

In this article we will tell you:

  1. How to determine your clothing style;
  2. Basic wardrobe for a woman;
  3. How to choose items in a store for your style;
  4. Capsule wardrobe: what it is and why you need it.

Already know how to put together a wardrobe, but want to learn more about style and image? Come to stylist courses in Moscow and St. Petersburg , where professionals will tell you the rules for selecting an individual look.

How to correctly combine things and place accents? How to make a wardrobe for a week? Tatyana Fedorova , an image stylist and head of a style school, shared her answers to these questions

How to determine your clothing style?

The choice of wardrobe is influenced by 4 factors, based on which you can easily choose your style. Let's figure out which ones!

The first factor is facial features.

Some girls have the appearance of very softness and tenderness, while others have been gifted by nature with a bright type. Nature has already given a hint, all that remains is to emphasize the natural beauty.

It's simple. If you have slightly aggressive features, do not try to muffle them, because in contrast with a floral dress and ruffles, your face will seem even brighter.

It's a little more difficult for girls with pretty faces. The best solution is a combination of light and simple outfits with classic elements and accessories.

The second factor is color type.

Clothes should be an extension of your nature. To make it look harmonious, focus on your color type.

How to define it? Look, there are 4 color types, of which 2 are warm and 2 are cold. Their main criterion is natural hair color.

1. Cold color type - “summer” . This includes girls with light brown hair from light to dark shades. The peculiarity of the color type is its gray pigment.

Fair-haired girls are divided into 2 types: lighter ones are representatives of the “non-contrast summer” color type, and darker ones are “contrast summer”.

2. Cold color type - “winter”. Everything is simple here. If you have black hair, you are a representative of the winter color type.

3. Warm color type - “autumn”. Girls with naturally red hair, this is the place for you!

4. Warm color type is very rare - this is “spring” . Its sign is yellow hair.

The third factor is figure. With the right style, you can greatly add attractiveness and adjust your silhouette!

To look slimmer and taller, don't cut up your look with too many horizontal lines.

The fourth factor is the situation. Agree, you will choose one thing for the office, but something completely different for a run in the park.

We've sorted out the types, let's move on to styles.

A little theory. There are 5 main and 2 additional natural styles.

1.Dramatic style . Its representatives are fans of making a name for themselves. They want to attract attention and therefore use every means to get people to look at them. Prominent representatives are Monica Bellucci and Angelina Jolie. A strong chin, pronounced cheekbones and, as a rule, brown eyes. Bright colors and clear facial features are indicators of a dramatic style.

2. The “naive romance” style is the opposite of drama. Its representatives are not fatal beauties, but gentle fairies, as if living in candy castles. As a rule, naive romantics are blondes with blue eyes, wide doll-like eyes and delicate facial features. Naive romantics are strawberries, vanilla ice cream, marshmallow princesses or a scattering of marmalade.

3. Complex romance - a style of weightlessness, sophistication, magic, mystery and sensuality. Elves, mermaids, unicorns, parallel worlds - these are associations with this style. Complex romantics have slightly strange and asymmetrical facial features; at first glance it may even seem that they are ugly. But if you take a closer look, you realize how beautiful they are!

Look at Cate Blanchett! Do you also get the feeling that she is from another planet?

4. Natural style is a reflection of antiquity. This is a style of wisdom, comfort and harmony. Its representatives' ethnicity is immediately recognizable. Looking at them, I remember epics, parables, and Alyonushka and his brother Ivanushka. Bun cheeks and a round figure are signs of a natural style.

5. Classic style . These girls are like Greek goddesses, with the right aristocratic features. You won’t find big ears or noses on them; it’s as if their features were drawn using a ruler! For example, the attractiveness of Anastasia Volochkova is scientifically substantiated by the golden ratio formula.

Additional styles come separately because they consist of 5 main ones.

6. Oriental style consists of drama, complex romance and natural style. You can't confuse girls of this style - they are very bright and colorful. Decorative China, bright India, the Arab East and Japan - an image immediately appears in your head!

7. Sports style - a mix of naive romanticism and drama. A wide smile, an open look and, of course, an active lifestyle. The sporty style loves stripes, prints, pop art and hallucinogenic designs.

How to choose a basic wardrobe?

Step number 1 in choosing a wardrobe is to determine your natural style. After this, you can move on and choose a basic wardrobe based on it.

Let’s say right away: everyone has their own list of basic things. Ask yourself where you spend most of your time and tailor your wardrobe to suit your lifestyle. For example, if you are a fitness trainer, then dress pants and a black dress will be far from your base. It can contain things of an interesting cut, things of different colors, blue jeans, and a lilac jacket.

The base is easily combined with each other and with “complex” things. “Interesting” things will no longer gather dust in the closet, because you can easily pick up support for them from your basic wardrobe.

Plus, basic pieces look great together.

Traditionally, the basic colors and tones are red, white, black and brown. But they also come in different shades. Look how many varieties there are of gray alone: ​​light gray, dark gray, with yellow pigment, and pink, and blue.

Black is a different story. It is overgrown with a thick layer of myths, and now we will refute the biggest one. Remember, black doesn't suit everyone. It's all about the reflexes that clothes give to the face. If the color in your portrait area is “not yours,” the wrinkles under your eyes will increase and you will look several years older.

If you are a fair-type girl, instead of black, choose complex gray, dark brown or dark blue. Soft muted colors will highlight your gentle nature and make you even more beautiful.

Remember the classics

When we change our clothing style, in the absence of a competent approach, this can result in considerable costs. The ideal option here is to stock up on classic things that never go out of style. You probably already guessed that this means straight-cut jeans, blouses, pencil skirts, formal business suits, and so on.

What are the advantages of such a classic? Firstly, you can combine it with more extravagant items. And secondly, many of these classic wardrobe items are versatile. So, the same jeans can be worn both to a nightclub and to a theater premiere. You just need to complement them with accessories suitable for a particular event. Also, if necessary, nothing prevents you from choosing a trendy belt to go with a formal skirt.

How to choose items in a store that suit your style?

Are you lost among the many things in the store and want those trousers, that dress and that handbag? Shopping will become easier if you think through your look in advance and follow the “four word formula” when choosing:

  1. Color. It is important to get into it based on color type and style. Look, warm colors are for naive romance and natural style, and cold colors are for drama and complex romance. And then we collect puzzles. If your color type is cold and your style colors are warm, mix warm and cold in your look. If the color and style and type are the same temperature, then take only that.
  2. Texture.
  3. Print.
  4. Form. Each style has its own, so knowing it will make it easier for you to choose clothes.

Do not forget to monitor the quality of the item, bad material is immediately visible. Don’t be afraid to wrinkle, rub and turn inside out.

Now it's time to put the formula into practice! Let's figure out how to correlate each element with styles.

for dramatic people : red, black, emerald green, dazzling white, like snow in the mountains, bathed in the sun. The texture of the drama style attracts the eye as much as the color. These are shiny fabrics: velvet, satin, brocade, taffeta, jacquard and leather. In dramatic style, there is nothing in between in shape: either long, going to the floor, or very short. The print on the clothes of dramatic artists should be visible from afar: gothic, baroque, angular or geometric and animalistic.

The shape of naive romantics is compact and even a little childish. Representatives of the style choose ruffles, lanterns, wings and bows. The texture of the style is soft and delicate, so cotton, chintz and silk are suitable fabrics. The print is simple flowers, polka dots, cherries, butterflies, petals and Mickey Mouse. The colors of the style are either pastel and bleached, or bright and eccentric.

Complex romance is a style of magic. The clothing is fluid and flowing. In complex romance, textures alternate, fabrics are superimposed on one another. The colors of the style are cold, visually complex, merging into each other and changing shades depending on the lighting. The designs on the fabrics are no less mysterious. These are such fragile, difficult and ornate prints that it seems as if a fairy artist waved a magic wand!

In the natural style, the clothing is simple, and the fabrics are natural with a pronounced texture. These are cotton, wool, linen, matting. Natural style print - “dive into antiquity”. Lines reminiscent of cave painting, cross-stitch and satin stitch, simple drawing of vegetables. The colors of the style are muted: greenish, brownish, grayish. Natural style does not like bright colors. Imagine a forest or a Russian field. You won't see neon yellow there!

Classic style is elegance, conciseness, rigor and consistency. Medium length, graphic silhouettes, even and smooth texture, expensive fabrics - all this is about classics. There is almost no print in clothes, except perhaps a cage, houndstooth or discreet lines. The colors of the style are calm and noble: gray, black, white, beige. Classic loves diamonds and logos of expensive brands, she is blue blood.

Oriental style consists of 3 styles: natural, dramatic and complex romance. Remember? Therefore, shape, texture, print and color can be mixed from these styles. For example, we take color from drama, print from natural style, shape and texture from “complex romance”. The combination of three styles according to the formula will create a unique and captivating oriental style!

Sports style combines two opposites - drama and naive romance. It is for people with a “Cheshire smile”. They have movement in their faces, and therefore their “hitch” needs to be added to their clothes. Sailor stripes, vests, emblems, laces, buttons, high-heeled sneakers, bright pure colors and a loose fit are all about sporty style.


This method is more complex, as it requires complete harmony between all the details of the image. Such sets often turn out to be calmer, but no less complimentary.

They look elegant, discreet and noble.

Creating images using this method requires strict adherence to color recommendations. The shades and textures of things come to the fore.

For a harmonious combination, items in shades of your color type are ideal. All of them will fit well together.

The first disadvantage is that such images can sometimes look boring. The second is in the conflict of textures, for example, suede does not always harmonize with the cold shine of metal. It is worth taking into account all the details of the image.

This method especially suits the neutral type, who does not like too bright solutions.

It suits women of the classic type, romantics – for lady-like looks. Such outfits often make Gamines look old.

The harmonic method is suitable for women with disharmony in proportions. Soft combinations help smooth out the impression of the image.

Capsule wardrobe: what is it and why do you need it?

A capsule wardrobe is a lifesaver for every girl; with it you will forget about the words “nothing to wear.” The capsule is formed from basic wardrobe items that can be easily mixed with each other, and creating an image will be as easy as pie. For example, my capsule wardrobe consists of beige trousers, blue jeans, a white straight jacket, a black hoodie, a black T-shirt and white sneakers. Only 6 items, but from them I can create looks for the whole week!

Why do you need a capsule wardrobe? Just imagine, you open your closet and take any trousers and blouse, and they go together perfectly! Saving time and money in one bottle!

Look, one trousers and one skirt can be combined with five different blouses, and it will always seem that the look is new. If you have one shirt and five different pants, no one will notice the change in image, because first of all everyone looks at the face.

Putting together a functional, modern wardrobe, getting into all the trends and choosing clothes to suit your style is a skill that requires talent, patience and, of course, knowledge and practice. You have 3 options: develop your taste on your own, use the services of a stylist, or become one yourself! Sign up for courses and you will save both time and money, and you will always look chic!

What to look for when choosing courses?

  1. Study program . It should include a theory for determining color types, coloristics and typology of figures. They should tell you how to combine materials, prints and textures, how to determine the client’s style and understand fashion trends;
  2. How can you do without knowledge in marketing ? After completing the courses you will need to promote yourself as a stylist!
  3. It’s great if you already create a portfolio ;
  4. Theory must be practiced . You create bows, and the teacher comments on them and points out mistakes.

The cost of stylist courses starts from 9,000 rubles and reaches 35,000 rubles .

The ability to dress with taste is a big plus in your beauty collection. Agree, clothes affect your mood, self-confidence and how you look in the eyes of others! So why not do a wardrobe audit today? You are not only what you eat, but also what you wear.

Tell us your secrets to the perfect wardrobe in the comments. Repost the article so as not to lose the capsule wardrobe rules and tips on how to find your style.

How to find your own style in clothing, like the independent and purposeful Jennifer Lawrence?

The actress, who looks so convincing with a bow and arrow, has won the hearts of fashionistas around the world with her impeccable dressing skills.

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