Are you ready for a date? Express treatments for skin, face and body

Peach with brandy for skin tone

Mash half a peach with one teaspoon of good cognac. If your skin is very dry, add two teaspoons of peach or olive oil. Apply to skin for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water and rinse face with cold water several times.

As a result, we are promised smooth, glowing skin. Especially, according to the author of the recipe, such a mask is good after a whole day of troubles and worries, when you need to quickly cheer up your face and go to an important meeting, a special event, or the next most important date in your life.

Play with your face

A week before March 8, it’s time to take on light facial rejuvenation and improve skin condition. We remember the “three pillars” on which radiant, radiant young skin is based: cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition. After washing your face with your usual cosmetics, you can keep nourishing masks on your face for 10–15 minutes, which are easy to prepare yourself; just use the products at hand from the refrigerator.

After 15 minutes of relaxation, the mask should be removed with a napkin, and then washed with contrasting water - warm and then cold. The effect of the nourishing mask is sufficient, so there is no need to apply more cream to the skin. If desired, you can wipe your skin with tonic or brewed green tea to tone your skin.

Aloe with glycerin for quick hydration

Whatever they say about glycerin in the sense of a drying effect with prolonged use, but right here and now, that is, immediately before a special event, it will quickly bring the skin to life, make it denser and smooth out wrinkles. If you also mix it with aloe juice, you can also get additional hydration.

So it still makes sense to mix two teaspoons of glycerin with one teaspoon of aloe juice, apply a thick layer for 15 minutes, rinse and see what happens. If, during the process, you also spray your face with water from a spray bottle or sit next to a humidifier, then the result should be just what you need.

The mirror of one's heart

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Of course, on the eve of an important event, you need to get enough sleep and not drink water at night, so as not to wake up with swelling and circles under your eyes. But, as they say, who would have known...

If the bags still lie under and above the eyelids, try applying slices of raw potatoes for a couple of minutes. The starch it contains is great for treating dark circles under the eyes.

To combat swelling, any ice compress or special roller gel for the skin around the eyes will do. Of course, they won’t leave you just like that, but if you have 3-4 days left before March 8, then it’s worth a try.

To restore beauty to tired eyes and not scare your lover with the red eyes of a tired rabbit, you need, firstly, to move away from the computer monitor, and secondly, before going to bed, apply cotton swabs soaked in herbal tea or chamomile infusion to your eyelids. As a last resort, you can use eye drops - they act as quickly as possible and are quite effective.

And, of course, curved eyebrows, plucked by the hands of a professional cosmetologist, will help emphasize the beauty of the eyes. Didn't have time to sign up? Then tweezers in your hands - and into a fighting stance in front of the mirror. Before the procedure, eyebrows can be lubricated with a rich cream to alleviate painful sensations. After absorption, remove excess cream with a cotton swab, otherwise the tweezers will slip. If you don’t have enough time and your eyebrows are in poor condition, you can pluck the lower hairs and gently outline the upper contour with a cosmetic pencil.

Rapid rejuvenation

To quickly erase a couple of years from your face, you should try such a wonderful thing as peeling, which will remove dead, dry skin from your face, thereby erasing fine wrinkles and giving your skin a youthful glow. Here, according to the advice of the same imported beauty bloggers, of both sexes, you can wipe your face with ripe papaya gruel, leave the gruel on your face until it dries a little, massage again and rinse. The result is again promised to be instant!

If for some reason you don’t have papaya on hand, then mix 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed orange (grapefruit, tangerine) juice with 2 teaspoons of low-fat cottage cheese. Otherwise, everything is exactly the same as in the case of peeling with papaya, only now you can add beautiful words about lactic acid to the beautiful words about enzymes and fruit acids.

After peeling, the skin requires hydration and nutrition, otherwise it may react with dryness, tightness, creases and wrinkles. If you don’t have time, then apply a good moisturizer or gel to your skin. If you still have an extra half hour left, then mix the cucumber pulp with aloe vera juice, slightly thicken with ground oatmeal (wheat flour, almond flakes) and apply to the skin for 15-20 minutes.

The result of using first the peeling and then the mask is promised to be not only immediate, but also downright stunning!

Express mask - “emergency help” for the face

When might you even need an express face mask ?
In fact, such situations arise often - critical days, lack of sleep, a party the night before, fatigue, or stress and, as a result, a dull, stale complexion, bags under the eyes, puffiness, rashes, dry skin - in other words, troubles are obvious. But you really want to look fresh, healthy, young! Of course, those skin problems that you have had for a long time cannot be solved with one express face mask, but if these problems are temporary, if they arose due to the above conditions, then perhaps you can regain your beauty in in a matter of minutes. An express face mask should be done immediately before going out before applying makeup - this way imperfections will be removed or disguised, and the cosmetics will lie smoothly and beautifully.
Today, ready-made express masks based on clay, oils, fruit extracts and many other ingredients can be purchased at any cosmetics store. All of them contain active components that have an immediate effect in the fight against temporary facial skin problems. But what if you no longer have time to buy a mask, but you need to regain freshness and beauty right now? Then proven home remedies come to the rescue.

Contraindications and possible consequences

Homemade masks with anti-aging effects are used only after 25–30 years. However, they are not recommended if:

  • allergies to ingredients;
  • any damage to the skin - cracks, wounds, scratches, etc.;
  • fresh tan, burns;
  • skin diseases - demodicosis, acne, dermatitis, etc.;
  • feeling unwell or having a fever;
  • recovery period after cosmetic procedures;
  • inflammation and acne;
  • herpes and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Don’t forget to do allergy tests: apply the mask to the skin of the wrist and if irritation does not appear after 48 hours, apply it to the face

Side effects are extremely rare. And they are mainly a consequence of using recipes that are inappropriate for the skin, ignoring contraindications, or simply excessive care. In such cases, the consequences may be:

  • lack of result;
  • allergy;
  • swelling;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • peeling;
  • signs of dehydration;
  • enlarged and open pores;
  • the appearance of comedones;
  • increase in the number of wrinkles;
  • skin pigmentation.

What ingredients should I use?

The answer is simple: all the same vegetables, berries, fruits and herbs. Cabbage and cucumber juice, as well as applesauce, perfectly tones the skin. If you don’t have time, you can simply wash the cucumber, cut it into slices and put it on your face. But it’s better not to be lazy and prepare a mask that you need to keep on for 10-15 minutes. Here are some recipes:

  • A classic mask that invigorates the skin. Take 20-25 ml of fermented milk product: sour cream for dry skin, yogurt for oily skin, yogurt for normal skin. Next, mix with 10–15 ml of lemon juice. The mass is ready. Cover your face with gauze so that the mask does not drip. Then we remove everything and wash our face.
  • Potato and egg. You will need one potato and a raw yolk. Grate the tuber on a fine grater and squeeze thoroughly, mix with the yolk. For oily skin, take protein.
  • Coffee mask. Take a dessert spoon of fermented milk product, two coffee spoons of lemon zest and two identical spoons of coffee grounds. Mix everything and apply to the skin with massaging movements.

Again, facial care at home with refreshing masks will not be enough; you need to take care of your health in general. You can achieve a positive result only through comprehensive, painstaking work on yourself. Daily self-improvement is necessary. You should never stop halfway.

Reviews of refreshing face masks at home are extremely positive. When used correctly, they definitely will not harm, because they contain exclusively natural ingredients, and vitamins and microelements enrich, nourish and rejuvenate. The main thing is to adhere to all the above recommendations, carefully study the contraindications and use them regularly.

Activator masks for quick skin refreshment

The composition of such masks will improve local blood circulation in the skin. The face becomes fresh, a slight blush appears, and skin turgor (elasticity) is restored. Therefore, activator masks are recommended for quick skin refreshing effects .

Express mask of milk and honey

  • milk – 10 ml;
  • linden honey (liquid) – 5 ml.

Mix the products thoroughly and apply to the skin of the face. After 15 minutes, the mask can be washed off. Linden honey can be replaced with acacia honey. The main thing in this procedure is that the honey does not contain lumps, but is liquid. The mask will quickly improve your complexion and moisturize your skin.

Aloe, cucumber and oatmeal mask


  • aloe vera juice – 1 ml;
  • fresh cucumber gruel - a tablespoon;
  • oatmeal (ground oats) – a full teaspoon.

All components are mixed and applied to the facial skin in a thick layer. After 30 minutes, wash off the remaining mask under running water using a sponge. The procedure helps moisturize, whiten and nourish the skin.

Aloe with glycerin

A mixture of aloe and glycerin is also suitable for quickly moisturizing the skin. Always have a small bottle of glycerin in your first aid kit. You can buy it at the pharmacy, and the price will please you. Glycerin is well used to prepare a variety of face masks. Therefore, you can even take up a useful and exciting hobby - preparing healing masks yourself.

Glycerin quickly revitalizes the skin: smoothes wrinkles, eliminates dry skin and increases its elasticity. To enhance the effect, aloe juice is added to glycerin.

And the proportion is as follows: glycerin – 10 ml, aloe juice – 5 ml. Apply the mixture liberally to the face and leave to work for 15 minutes. After this time, wash off the remaining mask with water and admire the result!

Mask of pumpkin, milk powder and honey


  • pumpkin pulp - a tablespoon;
  • milk powder – 10 grams;
  • acacia honey - a teaspoon.

The mixture is applied to the facial skin with lightly massaging movements. After 30 minutes, wash off the mask. The skin will gain a healthy glow and shine.

Almond-egg mask

  • ground almond flakes – 7 grams;
  • honey – 3 ml;
  • chicken yolk – 1 piece;
  • lemon juice – 3 ml.

After mixing the ingredients, the mask is distributed over the entire surface of the facial area. After 30 minutes, wash off the mask. This mask composition tightens pores, smoothes wrinkles, and gives the skin a fresh look.

Banana-based mask-activator


  • banana pulp – 10 grams;
  • nutmeg flake powder – 2 grams;
  • corn flour – 10 grams.

Apply the mask for 15 minutes, then use a sponge to wash off the remaining mixture from the face. After the mask, the skin looks healthy and smooth.

Cognac-peach mask


  • peach pulp - half of the fruit;
  • cognac (quality) – 5 ml;
  • olive oil – 7 ml.

Apply the healing mixture over the entire surface of the face and leave the mixture for 20–30 minutes. At the end of the procedure, wash off the remaining mask with running water. It is recommended to complete the procedure with a cold wash. The cognac-peach mask quickly restores tired skin, making it fresh and elastic.

An important meeting is ahead, we wish you a good time, and the proposed masks will definitely help you look stunning! Good luck!

Lebeychuk Natalia Vladimirovna, herbalist and homeopath

  • Read on the topic: Viburnum masks for different skin types.


The effect of refreshing masks

They saturate cells with beneficial substances, providing comprehensive skin care. And:

  • They have a cleansing effect (you can use a scrub before the procedure, which ensures deeper penetration of beneficial components).
  • Saturate the skin with oxygen, accelerating metabolic processes.
  • Antioxidants have regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • They make the skin younger, more elastic and velvety, smooth out fine wrinkles, lighten dark circles, tighten, cleanse.
  • The complexion becomes better due to increased blood circulation.

Their usefulness is obvious. There are no age restrictions for working with refreshing masks. But there are some contraindications. Let's look at them in more detail.

face-refreshing masks at home

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