Hair removal Elos - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Oksana Then I went to the last session in the spring

#facial rejuvenation #hair removal #photorejuvenation #face lifting E-Light

The modern beauty industry offers different ways to remove unwanted hair. These methods can be based on the use of both traditional materials (for example, sugar paste) and products of recent scientific technologies.

One of the methods that uses the latest achievements in the cosmetology field is e-light hair removal.

What is elos hair removal

Before deciding on the procedure for removing unwanted vegetation, it is worth finding out what elos hair removal is.

The term ELOS means that the method combines the effects of light and electromagnetic energy. Light affects the melanin in the hair structures, causing the hair shaft to break down as a result of uniform heating. The electric current destroys the vascular components of the hair follicle. This combination increases the effectiveness of the procedure by 30%. In this case, the follicles are completely destroyed. The likelihood of their restoration and re-growth of hair is minimized.

How safe elos hair removal is, what it is and whether the method is suitable, you can find out by studying the technique in more detail. The procedure equipment is equipped with an innovative cooling system and power regulation, depending on the thickness of the hair and the amount of pigment. This makes the hair removal process painless and safe. The method can be safely used on any part of the body, including the most sensitive ones. Hair thickness does not affect the result.

How does elos hair removal work?

Optical and radio wave energy destroy the hair follicle. This method of hair removal has a lasting effect due to the complete and irreversible destruction of the hair follicle, guaranteeing smooth skin without damage or ingrown hairs for 4 months. Light rays heat the hair follicle, and RF waves at high temperatures destroy chemical compounds in the structure of the follicle and hair shaft without damaging the epithelium.

In this way, optical and electrical energy potentiate each other, which makes it possible to reduce the power of optical radiation by 60% without loss of efficiency.

The most innovative device for elos hair removal is E-max. This system includes 5 applicators with different combinations of active factors: optical, electrical, laser and infrared radiation. The device can also cool the skin by 5°C and monitors the effectiveness and safety of the procedure. Processing occurs on a point-to-point basis. 1 cm? epithelium is processed in 1 second. The area of ​​​​simultaneous treatment depends on the applicator.

How many procedures are needed?

Elos hair removal affects hair in a state of active growth. Neither light nor electromagnetic waves affect follicles that are dormant or in the retrograde phase. Since all hair cannot be in the same phase of development at the same time, one procedure will not work.

How the method needs to be adjusted and how many procedures are needed depends on the individual characteristics of the body. For some, 4 will be enough, while others will need 7. In one manipulation, no more than 80% of hair can be removed.

The first 3 procedures are carried out once a month. After the third manipulation, all remaining follicles are synchronized in the resting stage. After 2-5 months, hair can simultaneously awaken and begin to grow. This is a good time to carry out the fourth and final procedure.

The number of manipulations depends on the location of the hair, since in different parts of the body the period of rest of the hair follicles lasts for different times. Above the upper lip, 65% of the hair can be in the active growth stage at the same time, and only 20% on the lower legs. The sleep phase on the face lasts no more than 6 weeks, and on the legs - up to 2 years. These nuances must be taken into account when prescribing repeated procedures.

Comparison of elos hair removal with other hair removal methods

Unlike the elos method, photoepilation is not able to affect hair with a small amount of pigment - light and gray. In addition, hair follicles in this case can regenerate and produce hair growth within 1.5-2 years.

Laser hair removal only affects hairs with a sufficient amount of pigments and a high contrast between hair and skin color.

Electrolysis requires high precision from a specialist. The electrode must penetrate the hair follicle, otherwise the procedure will be ineffective. In addition, it is quite painful, so only a limited area of ​​skin can be treated in one session.

Benefits of Elos hair removal

The Elos technique allows you to remove hairs of any thickness and color, including gray and vellus hair.

LPG radiation is more gentle than laser or electric current, therefore the risk of complications is lower: burns, irritation and redness of the skin, development of depigmentation and hyperpigmentation of the skin.

The procedure can be performed on dark or tanned skin, and for photo and laser hair removal, the increased content of melanin in the epidermal cells is a contraindication to the procedure.

The Elos procedure leads to irreversible destruction of the hair follicles.

A person feels minimal discomfort when performing elos hair removal, thanks to the ability to cool the skin during the session.

Reviews about ELOS hair removal

Girls and women share their experiences on how they solved the problem of removing excess hair. An experienced specialist comments on the result and provides additional advice.

Katerina, 26 years old

I work as a trainer in a large fitness center and take part in shows as a fitness model. It goes without saying that a high-end model should look perfect, so I am always and seriously concerned about hair removal. Waxing, sugaring and any methods that may leave irritation are not suitable for me. For a long time I thought that laser or photoepilation was better, until I heard that these two methods can be combined in ELOS hair removal. The first results were already in a month, and after 8 visits to the specialist, the issue of hair removal was almost completely eliminated. I visit the salon once every six months for preventive maintenance.

Elos hair removal St. Petersburg

Expert's comment: For girls whose activities involve displaying clothes, this type of hair removal, of course, is a way out. ELOS hair removal of the deep bikini area received especially good reviews. The process, of course, is not a pleasant one, but it is much less painful and uncomfortable than waxing.

Irina, 44 years old

The problem of facial hair has bothered me since I was young. Hormone tests are always within normal limits, and my doctor advises hair removal purely for aesthetic reasons. I had a bad experience with photoepilation and got a burn; the laser doesn’t take care of my blonde hair, so based on the reviews, I was very interested in ELOS hair removal on the face, namely in the upper lip area. This really turned out to be a salvation. The operating area is small, so the cost is quite reasonable. After just 3 procedures, the hairs began to fall out rapidly and grow back less and less.

elos hair removal reviews from oncologists

Specialist comment: Due to the large list of contraindications to the ELOS hair removal procedure, reviews from doctors, especially oncologists, about it are quite contradictory. Although oncological procedures are a contraindication to almost any hardware procedures. If you are being seen by a doctor and have no contraindications, then such a radical method, of course, was created specifically for difficult cases.

Elina, 24 years old

I work in a prestigious foreign company, where the issue of dress code and appearance is extremely important. Improving the appearance began with hair removal on the legs, arms and armpits. Reviews about ELOS hair removal and before and after photos convinced me to choose this method. The first thing I liked was that you don’t need to grow anything special, you just have to shave everything thoroughly the day before the procedure. The procedure itself took approximately 2 hours for all areas. Sensations - instant tingling and warmth in the area of ​​effect of the light flash. In the armpits and arms, the effect appeared after 3 weeks. The master said that more procedures are required on the legs - about 6.

elos upper lip epilation

Specialist comment: Not everyone can withstand such a lengthy procedure, especially when working with sensitive areas. But the higher the intensity the master sets on the device, the better effect you can expect later.

Carrying out the elos hair removal procedure

Elos hair removal requires some preliminary preparation, thanks to which the manipulation itself will be effective and with the least complications.

Preparing for elos hair removal

Preparation for elos hair removal includes several mandatory procedures:

  1. 30 days before the procedure, you will have to abandon all methods of removing unwanted hair that involve tearing out the hair shaft, for example, waxing, sugaring, and using an electric epilator. Only shaving is acceptable.
  2. 14 days before the session, you should stop tanning both in the open sun and in the solarium. The risk of developing age spots in the case of a fresh tan increases greatly.
  3. 2 days before hair removal, you need to shave the hair on the area of ​​skin that is supposed to be treated. The length of regrown hairs should not exceed 1 mm.
  4. There is no need to apply cream or oil to the skin before the procedure.
  5. If we are talking about facial hair removal, for a month before the first elos session you need to avoid laser correction and various types of peeling to reduce the likelihood of depigmentation and age spots.
  6. If a recurrence of herpesvirus infection is possible, 2-3 days before the procedure you need to start a preventive course of taking antiherpetic drugs and continue to take them for another 2-3 days after hair removal.

Procedure steps

Epilation is carried out in the following order:

  1. The patient lies down on the couch and puts on glasses designed to protect her eyes from flashes of light.
  2. A gel is applied to the skin, which has an additional cooling effect. It is necessary for protection from radiation and good contact of the applicator with the surface. If the tip is not in sufficient contact with the skin, the effect of LPG radiation will be lost.
  3. The specialist treats the skin with an applicator. The outbreak is accompanied by a tingling sensation, short pinching sensations. Half an hour before the procedure, the skin can be treated with a local anesthetic in the form of a cream or spray.
  4. The duration of the session depends on the surface area, for example, epilation of the deep bikini area lasts 40 minutes, and epilation of the legs - up to 30 minutes.
  5. After the procedure, the skin must be treated with an antiseptic solution and a soothing spray or cream such as Panthenol, Bepanten, etc.

The hair will shed within 3-4 weeks. After each subsequent session, the amount of regrown hair will decrease, and those that appear will be thinner and lighter than before.

Features of the procedure for different parts of the body

Epilation can be performed on any part of the body. To remove hair on the back, chest, and abdomen, 6-8 sessions will be required. Elos underarm hair removal includes up to 10 procedures. An additional effect from it is a decrease in the intensity of sweating.

Hair removal from various areas of the face helps to even out the surface of the skin and improve its color. Hair can be removed from the upper lip, cheekbones, chin and other areas of the face and neck.

The presence of hair on the skin of the face has a direct hormonal dependence; diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome, etc., lead to increased hair growth, which can cause an increase in the number of procedures to 15. Elos hair removal of the upper lip begins with the removal of “antennae” using razor or scissors. It should be taken into account that this is a very painful area, which means it is better to immediately resort to pain relief.

Epilation of legs, completely or partially, is a popular cosmetic procedure. The legs contain the largest number of hairs, only 30% of which are in the active growth stage. Full leg hair removal will require more sessions, and the interval between them will be the maximum possible - 8 weeks.

Elos hair removal process in the salon

The elos procedure in the salon is more effective thanks to the various capabilities of professional equipment. For each zone, a suitable applicator is selected with the required area of ​​influence and combination of physical characteristics. Manipulation performed by a professional technician is less likely to result in complications and aesthetic defects.

Elos hair removal at home

Devices for home hair removal are quite convenient and safe, but they are inferior in efficiency to professional ones. Before use, it is important to study the instructions and select the operating mode of the device that suits the individual characteristics of the user.

Start with minimal power, assessing your own sensitivity. The applicator is applied to the skin and moved in different directions, affecting each area only once per session. If there is severe discomfort or pain, the session is interrupted and the power is reduced.

Advantages and disadvantages

This method of hair removal has a huge list of advantages, including:

  • no ingrown hairs;
  • high speed of treatment of one zone (up to 40 minutes deep bikini);
  • low pain;
  • no interaction with skin (non-contact method);
  • absence of unpleasant consequences of the procedure (burns, pigmentation);
  • applicability of the technology regardless of the color and structure of skin and hair, including sensitive skin;
  • permissibility of use in the summer, including on a fresh tan;
  • protecting the skin during a hair removal session;
  • individual configuration of equipment for each patient;
  • high efficiency, confirmed statistically;
  • hair reduction in the treatment area up to 95% after a course of procedures.

This hair removal method is often chosen by men, as it is the least painful way to get rid of hair.

back hair removal

Despite the bright prospect of completely getting rid of hair thanks to elos hair removal, the method also has certain disadvantages in which it will be completely ineffective or will provide minimal results.

The disadvantages of elos hair removal include:

  • The method is ineffective during hormonal changes in the body, including after abortion, during pregnancy, lactation, and before menopause.
  • Low effectiveness of the procedure when taking hormonal contraceptives and an installed hormonal IUD.
  • Lack of the desired result in case of disruption of the endocrine system.
  • The inability to remove hair on the patient’s face for a long time due to hirsutism (increased hair growth in women according to the male pattern, caused by hormonal disorders).
  • Lack of the desired result when performing procedures on patients experiencing severe stress.

Negative reviews about ELOS hair removal in most cases are due precisely to the presence of disturbances in the patient’s body, in which the procedure becomes ineffective and often contraindicated. For this reason, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination before starting a course of procedures.

Skin care after elos hair removal

For 2-3 weeks after hair removal, you should refrain from sunbathing and visiting a solarium. To protect your skin if you need to stay in the sun, you must use a cream with a protection factor of at least SPF 30. This will protect against the appearance of age spots.

To care for your skin, you must use a moisturizer that is suitable for your skin type. Overheating is undesirable, so you will have to avoid visiting the sauna, swimming pool, and gym during the rehabilitation period.

Hairs that grow back after the procedure should not be plucked. Depilation with wax, silk thread, electric epilator and sugaring is prohibited. It is permissible to use only a special depilatory cream or razor.

Contraindications and consequences

Like any other cosmetic manipulation, the technique has some contraindications and consequences.

Complications may arise as a result of unskilled work by the technician, an incorrectly programmed radiation spectrum, or an incorrectly selected device power. Possible negative consequences:

  1. Slight local swelling that disappears within 2-4 hours after the procedure. Occasionally it lasts up to 2 days.
  2. Short-term hyperemia of the skin of the treated part of the body.
  3. Changes in skin color, formation of scabs, blisters, and ulcers, which disappear within 3 days after the hair removal session.

Elos hair removal has contraindications related to the client's health condition. The manipulation is not carried out if the patient is found to have:

  1. Acute infectious disease.
  2. High blood pressure with frequent complications.
  3. Presence of a pacemaker, metal implants.
  4. Oncology.
  5. Immunodeficiencies.
  6. Bacterial, fungal, viral skin diseases in acute form.
  7. Eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis.
  8. Hormone therapy, the use of medications that increase skin sensitivity to light.
  9. Diseases that increase sensitivity to light: porphyria, lupus, epilepsy or sun allergy.
  10. Diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation.
  11. Pregnancy or lactation.
  12. Reduced blood clotting, taking anticoagulants.
  13. Piercing in the treatment area.
  14. Keloid scars and precancerous conditions on the skin in the treatment area.
  15. Contraindications for epilation of the armpits and groin area are diseases of the breast or genitourinary system.

Cost, contraindications, recommendations

The clinic you choose must have a set of certificates authorizing the implementation of such procedures. It is worth understanding that the cost of elos hair removal in a clinic will vary depending on the area of ​​application. For example, Elos hair removal in St. Petersburg has the following prices:

  1. Elos bikini hair removal – 5000-8000 rubles.
  2. Elos hair removal of the upper lip – 1500-3500 rubles.
  3. Elos facial hair removal – up to 5,000 rubles.
  4. Elos leg hair removal – 10,000-15,000 rubles.
  5. Armpits – 3000-6000 rubles.

elos hair removal armpit area

It is important to note that the price varies depending on the use of additional pain relievers. Salons can offer the elos hair removal procedure with discounts: you need to buy a coupon that gives you a chance to use the salon’s services with privileges. Elos hair removal at home or in a special institution is carried out if there are no: contraindications and restrictions:

  • pregnancy, lactation or breastfeeding;
  • consequences after injuries in the form of purulent wounds, burns or cuts;
  • high blood pressure, heart muscle disease or the presence of a pacemaker;
  • the presence of implants, metal piercings;
  • diabetes;
  • Elos hair removal of the bikini area is not performed if abnormalities in the functioning of the mammary glands or problems with the pelvic organs are detected.

If you do not take the procedure in good faith, the following consequences arise:

  1. Irritation, redness, scarring;
  2. If the equipment for the procedure is not programmed correctly, then after the end of therapy, a burn to the skin is possible.

Cost of the procedure

The cost of an epilation course is slightly higher than any other hair removal method. But the price is more than compensated by the high efficiency of the procedure.

The cost of 1 session depends on the thickness, structure and degree of pigmentation of the hair, and the area of ​​treatment. To remove dark, coarse hairs, you will need fewer sessions, which means the course will be cheaper.

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